On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 8:58 AM, Cédric Jeanneret <cjean...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 08/15/2018 08:32 PM, Wesley Hayutin wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Upstream TripleO does not use EPEL by design.  Currently the rpms to
>> install dlrn and rdopkg are shipped in EPEL.
>> Any thoughts on making this work so we can install the two rpms vs. pip
>> install?
>> Would it be possible to ship dlrn and rdopkg in the dlrn-deps repo?
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1787244
> Another solution would be actually activate EPEL, and limit its packages
> - had to do that in order to get the Let's Encrypt stack on my deploy.
> Few months ago, I even proposed a way to activate EPEL with limited
> subset of packages - it was refused due to the "non-EPEL" policy, but
> maybe it can be reconsidered?
> Why re-package things that are available elsewhere? ;)

The main reason is (particularly in upstream CI) we often want to test
much newer/current versions of things than are available in epel.

Historically enabling epel has caused problems for this reason -
version conflicts etc due to the old/new repo mismatch.

Personally I see adding the packages to dlrn-deps as a reasonable
solution, as it's not really repackaging, more a different channel for
the same RPMs at different versions (which we already do in many


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