Hey John, thanks for writing this up! I like the proposal but there's one
point that I think may be too restrictive:

"A processor that happens to use a typed store is actually emitting the
same types that it is storing."

I can imagine someone could want to leverage this new type safety without
also limiting how they can interact with/use their store. As an (admittedly
contrived) example, say you have an input stream of purchases of a certain
type (entertainment, food, etc), and on seeing a new record you want to
output how many types of purchase a shopper has made more than 5 purchases
of in the last month. Your state store will probably be holding some more
complicated PurchaseHistory object (keyed by user), but your output is just
a <User, Long>

I'm also not crazy about "processor2" as the package name ... not sure what
a better one would be though (something with "typed"?)

On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 12:47 PM John Roesler <j...@confluent.io> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to propose KIP-478 (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/2SkLBw
> ).
> This proposal would add output type bounds to the Processor interface
> in Kafka Streams, which enables static checking of a number of useful
> properties:
> * A processor B that consumes the output of processor A is actually
> expecting the same types that processor A produces.
> * A processor that happens to use a typed store is actually emitting
> the same types that it is storing.
> * A processor is simply forwarding the expected types in all code paths.
> * Processors added via the Streams DSL, which are not permitted to
> forward results at all are statically prevented from doing so by the
> compiler
> Internally, we can use the above properties to achieve a much higher
> level of confidence in the Streams DSL implementation's correctness.
> Actually, while doing the POC, I found a few bugs and mistakes, which
> become structurally impossible with KIP-478.
> Additionally, the stronger types dramatically improve the
> self-documentation of our Streams internal implementations, which
> makes it much easier for new contributors to ramp up with confidence.
> Thanks so much for your consideration!
> -John

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