windkithk created KAFKA-8334:

             Summary: Occasional OffsetCommit Timeout
                 Key: KAFKA-8334
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: core
    Affects Versions: 1.1.1
            Reporter: windkithk
         Attachments: offsetcommit_p99.9_cut.jpg

h2. 1) Issue Summary
Since we have upgraded to 1.1, we have observed occasional OffsetCommit 
timeouts from clients
Offset commit failed on partition sometopic-somepartition at offset someoffset: 
The request timed out{code}

Normally OffsetCommit completes within 10ms but when we check the 99.9 
percentile, we see the request duration time jumps up to 5000 ms 

Here is a screenshot of prometheus recording 
and after checking the duration breakdown, most of the time was spent on 
"Remote" Scope

(Below is a request log line produced by inhouse slow request logger
[2019-04-16 13:06:20,339] WARN Slow 
response:RequestHeader(apiKey=OFFSET_COMMIT, apiVersion=2, 
clientId=kafka-python-1.4.6, correlationId=953) -- 
 from connection;totalTime:5001.942000,requestQueueTime:0.030000,localTime:0.574000,remoteTime:5001.173000,responseQueueTime:0.058000,sendTime:0.053000,securityProtocol:PLAINTEXT,principal:User:ANONYMOUS

h2. 2) What got changed in 1.1 from

# Log Level Changed
In 1.1 Kafka Consumer, logging about timed out OffsetCommit is changed from 
# Group Lock is acquired when trying to complete DelayedProduce of OffsetCommit
This was added after
(in 1.1
# Followers do incremental fetch

h2. 3) Interaction between OffsetCommit, DelayedProduce and FetchFollower
OffsetCommit append a message of committed offset to partition of topic 

During the append, it would create a DelayedProduce with lock to 
GroupMetadata.lock (ReentrantLock) and add to delayedProducePurgatory

When follower fetches the partition of topic `__consumer_offsets` and causes an 
increase in HighWaterMark, delayedProducePurgatory would be transversed and all 
operations related to the partition may be completed

*DelayedProduce from OffsetCommit may not be completed, if the group metadata 
lock was held by others*

h2. 4) Reproduce
h4. Methodology
1. DelayedProduce on __consumer_offsets could not be completed if the 
group.lock is acquired by others
2. We spam requests like Heartbeat to keep acquiring group.lock
3. We keep sending OffsetCommit and check the processing time

h4. Reproduce Script
# - join the group "wilson-tester" and keep spamming Heartbeat
# - fetch one message and do a long processing (or sleep) and then 
commit the offset

h4. Result
|1|OffsetCommit Request 
|2|Append to local __consumer_offsets   
|3|DelayedProduce tryComplete   
|4|Added into delayedProducePurgatory   
|5|FetchFollower1 Fetch
|6|FetchFollower2 Fetch 
|7|Heartbeat Request|Acquired group.lock
|8|FetchFollower2 maybeTryComplete DelayedProduce|Failed to acquire group.lock
|9|Heartbeat Response|Released group.lock
| |(NO FetchFollower Requests on the partitions __consumer_offsets)
|10|OffsetCommit Response (Timeout)

h4. Trace Log
// The OffsetCommit Request
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,736] TRACE [KafkaApi-1] Handling 
request:RequestHeader(apiKey=OFFSET_COMMIT, apiVersion=2, 
clientId=kafka-python-1.4.6, correlationId=2114) -- 
 from connection;securityProtocol:PLAINTEXT,principal:User:ANONYMOUS
// Initial Check of DelayedProduce:tryCompleteElseWatch
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,736] TRACE Initial partition status for 
__consumer_offsets-48 is [acksPending: true, error: 7, startOffset: 23134, 
requiredOffset: 23135] (kafka.server.DelayedProduce)
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,736] TRACE Checking produce satisfaction for 
__consumer_offsets-48, current status [acksPending: true, error: 7, 
startOffset: 23134, requiredOffset: 23135] (kafka.server.DelayedProduce)
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,736] TRACE Checking produce satisfaction for 
__consumer_offsets-48, current status [acksPending: true, error: 7, 
startOffset: 23134, requiredOffset: 23135] (kafka.server.DelayedProduce)
// Follower fetching the new message in __consumer_offsets-48, and with 
Heartbeat in between
// DelayedOperation:maybeTryComplete leaves the DelayedProduce unchecked when 
it cannot obtain the lock (group.lock)
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,737] TRACE [KafkaApi-1] Sending heartbeat response 
org.apache.kafka.common.requests.HeartbeatResponse@4388ce00 for correlation id 
1492702 to client kafka-python-1.4.6. (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,737] TRACE [KafkaApi-1] Handling 
request:RequestHeader(apiKey=HEARTBEAT, apiVersion=1, 
clientId=kafka-python-1.4.6, correlationId=1492703) -- 
 from connection;securityProtocol:PLAINTEXT,principal:User:ANONYMOUS
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,737] TRACE [KafkaApi-1] Sending heartbeat response 
org.apache.kafka.common.requests.HeartbeatResponse@96e1b92 for correlation id 
1492703 to client kafka-python-1.4.6. (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,737] TRACE [KafkaApi-1] Handling 
request:RequestHeader(apiKey=FETCH, apiVersion=7, clientId=broker-5-fetcher-0, 
correlationId=1788883) -- 
 from connection;securityProtocol:PLAINTEXT,principal:User:ANONYMOUS
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,737] TRACE [KafkaApi-1] Handling 
request:RequestHeader(apiKey=HEARTBEAT, apiVersion=1, 
clientId=kafka-python-1.4.6, correlationId=1492704) -- 
 from connection;securityProtocol:PLAINTEXT,principal:User:ANONYMOUS
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,737] TRACE [KafkaApi-1] Sending heartbeat response 
org.apache.kafka.common.requests.HeartbeatResponse@6cb7676f for correlation id 
1492704 to client kafka-python-1.4.6. (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,738] TRACE [KafkaApi-1] Handling 
request:RequestHeader(apiKey=HEARTBEAT, apiVersion=1, 
clientId=kafka-python-1.4.6, correlationId=1492705) -- 
 from connection;securityProtocol:PLAINTEXT,principal:User:ANONYMOUS
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,738] TRACE [KafkaApi-1] Handling 
request:RequestHeader(apiKey=FETCH, apiVersion=7, clientId=broker-4-fetcher-0, 
correlationId=1788529) -- 
 from connection;securityProtocol:PLAINTEXT,principal:User:ANONYMOUS
[2019-04-15 23:59:53,738] TRACE [KafkaApi-1] Sending heartbeat response 
org.apache.kafka.common.requests.HeartbeatResponse@5552d3ab for correlation id 
1492705 to client kafka-python-1.4.6. (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
// OffsetCommit Timed out
[2019-04-15 23:59:58,737] DEBUG [KafkaApi-1] Offset commit request with 
correlation id 2114 from client kafka-python-1.4.6 on partition test-2 failed 
due to org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException (kafka.server.KafkaApis)

h4. OffsetCommit, FetcherFollower, HeartBeat
When a FetchFollower comes and updates the HighWaterMark, it supposes to 
complete the DelayedProduce and so the OffsetCommit request.
However, it would only do it when it can obtain the GroupMetaDataLock (retry 
only once and immediately...)
As a result, the DelayedProduce would only be checked next time when 
FetchFollower comes (and updates the HighWaterMark).
Which usually means the next OffsetCommit, this explains why we observe 
OffsetCommit request timed out (high OffsetCommit latency) during low traffic 

| replicaManager.appendRecords | |
| → delayedProducePurgatory.tryCompleteElseWatch | |
| → tryComplete() | |
| → watchForOperation() | |
| → operation.maybeTryComplete() | |
| | partition.updateReplicaLogReadResult |
| | → tryCompleteDelayedRequests |
| | → delayedProducePurgatory.checkAndComplete |
| | → watchers.tryCompleteWatched |
| | → operation.maybeTryComplete() | group.lock
| | → group.tryLock |
| | → false |
| | | group.unlock

h2. 5) Solution
We can have a separate executor to later retry completing DelayedOperation 
which failed to obtain lock

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