Jiangtao Liu created KAFKA-8270:

             Summary: Kafka retention hour is not working
                 Key: KAFKA-8270
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-8270
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: consumer
            Reporter: Jiangtao Liu
            Assignee: Richard Yu

Currently, when a consumer falls out of a consumer group, it will restart 
processing from the last checkpointed offset. However, this design could result 
in a lag which some users could not afford to let happen. For example, lets say 
a consumer crashed at offset 100, with the last checkpointed offset being at 
70. When it recovers at a later offset (say, 120), it will be behind by an 
offset range of 50 (120 - 70). This is because the consumer restarted at 70, 
forcing it to reprocess old data. To avoid this from happening, one option 
would be to allow the current consumer to start processing not from the last 
checkpointed offset (which is 70 in the example), but from 120 where it 
recovers. Meanwhile, a new KafkaConsumer will be instantiated and start reading 
from offset 70 in concurrency with the old process, and will be terminated once 
it reaches 120. In this manner, a considerable amount of lag can be avoided, 
particularly since the old consumer could proceed as if nothing had happened. 

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