Di Campo created KAFKA-8165:

             Summary: Streams task causes Out Of Memory after connection and 
store restoration
                 Key: KAFKA-8165
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-8165
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: streams
    Affects Versions: 2.1.0
         Environment: Amazon Linux container, on Docker based on 
wurstmeister/kafka image.
            Reporter: Di Campo

Having a Kafka Streams 2.1 application, when Kafka brokers are stable, the 
(largely stateful) application has been consuming ~160 messages per second at a 
sustained rate for several hours. 

However it started having connection issues to the brokers. 

Connection to node 3 (/ could not be established. Broker may 
not be available. (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient){code}

Also it began showing a lot of these errors: 

WARN [Consumer 
 groupId=stream-processor] 1 partitions have leader brokers without a matching 
listener, including [broker-2-health-check-0] 
In fact, the _health-check_ topic is in the broker but not consumed by this 
topology or used in any way by the Streams application (it is just broker 
healthcheck). It does not complain about topics that are actually consumed by 
the topology. 

Some time after these errors (that appear at a rate of 24 appearances per 
second during ~5 minutes), then the following logs appear: 

[2019-03-27 15:14:47,709] WARN [Consumer 
 groupId=] Connection to node -3 (/ip3:9092) could not be established. Broker 
may not be available. (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient){code}
In between 6 and then 3 lines of "Connection could not be established" error 
messages, 3 of these ones slipped in: 

[2019-03-27 15:14:47,723] WARN Started Restoration of visitorCustomerStore 
partition 15 total records to be restored 17 
... one for each different KV store I have (I still have another KV that does 
not appear, and a WindowedStore store that also does not appear). 
Then I finally see "Restoration Complete" (using a logging 
ConsoleGlobalRestoreListener as in docs) messages for all of my stores. So it 
seems it may be fine now to restart the processing.

Three minutes later, some events get processed, and I see an OOM error:  

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

... so given that it usually allows to process during hours under same 
circumstances, I'm wondering whether there is some memory leak in the 
connection resources or somewhere in the handling of this scenario.

Kafka and KafkaStreams 2.1

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