Hey Matthias,

thanks a lot for the comments!
It seems that `windowSize` is a mandatory argument for windowed-tables,
thus all overload should have the first two parameters being `String
topic` and `Duration windowSize`.
Yep, that sounds good to me.

For session-tables, there should be no `windowSize` parameter because
each session can have a different size and as a matter of fact, both the
window start and window end timestamp are contained in the key anyway
for this reason. (This is different to time windows as the KIP mentions.)
Good suggestion, I think we should be able to skip the windowsize for session 

Thus, I don't think that there is any need to extend `Consumed` or
`Materialized` -- in contrast, extending both as suggested would result
in bad API, because those new methods would be available for
key-value-tables, too.
I think it should be good to just extend ConsumedInternal and 
MaterializedInternal with window size, and keep
external API clean. Just so you know it would be even more messy for internal 
implementation if we don't carry
the window size around within existing data struct.

About generic types: why is `windowedTable()` using `Consumers<K,V>`
while `sessionTable` is using `Consumed<Windowed<K,V>>`? The KIP
mentions that we can wrap provided key-serdes automatically with
corresponding window serdes. Thus, it seems the correct type should be `K`?
Yes that's a typo, and I already fixed it.

I will let you know when the KIP updates are done.

From: Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io>
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2019 7:52 AM
To: dev@kafka.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-300: Add Windowed KTable API in StreamsBuilder

Couple of follow up comment on the KIP:

It seems that `windowSize` is a mandatory argument for windowed-tables,
thus all overload should have the first two parameters being `String
topic` and `Duration windowSize`.

For session-tables, there should be no `windowSize` parameter because
each session can have a different size and as a matter of fact, both the
window start and window end timestamp are contained in the key anyway
for this reason. (This is different to time windows as the KIP mentions.)

Thus, I don't think that there is any need to extend `Consumed` or
`Materialized` -- in contrast, extending both as suggested would result
in bad API, because those new methods would be available for
key-value-tables, too.

About generic types: why is `windowedTable()` using `Consumers<K,V>`
while `sessionTable` is using `Consumed<Windowed<K,V>>`? The KIP
mentions that we can wrap provided key-serdes automatically with
corresponding window serdes. Thus, it seems the correct type should be `K`?


On 1/12/19 8:35 PM, Boyang Chen wrote:
> Hey Matthias,
> thanks for taking a look! It would be great to see this pushed in 2.2. 
> Depending on the tight timeline, I hope to at least get the KIP approved so 
> that we don't see back and forth again as the KTable API has been constantly 
> changing. I couldn't guarantee the implementation timeline until we agree on 
> the updated high level APIs first. Does that make sense?
> Best,
> Boyang
> ________________________________
> From: Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io>
> Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2019 10:53 AM
> To: dev@kafka.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-300: Add Windowed KTable API in StreamsBuilder
> Do you want to get this into 2.2 release? KIP deadline is 1/24, so quite
> soon.
> Overall, the KIP is very useful. I can review again in more details if
> you aim for 2.2 -- did you address all previous comment about the KIP
> already?
> -Matthias
> On 1/8/19 2:50 PM, Boyang Chen wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> I would like to start a discussion thread on adding new time/session 
>> windowed KTable APIs for KStream:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-300%3A+Add+Windowed+KTable+API+in+StreamsBuilder
>> We have been working on this thread around 7 months ago, and it is 
>> successfully applied in our internal stream applications that enable
>> data sharing across multiple jobs. As a matter of fact, materialization of 
>> windowed store is definitely a concrete use case that could unblock stream 
>> users to
>> build more complex modules.
>> Let me know if the API changes makes sense.
>> Best,
>> Boyang
>> KIP-300: Add Windowed KTable API in StreamsBuilder - Apache Kafka - Apache 
>> Software 
>> Foundation<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-300%3A+Add+Windowed+KTable+API+in+StreamsBuilder>
>> We have an existing table() API in the StreamsBuilder which could 
>> materialize a Kafka topic into a local state store called KTable. This 
>> interface is very useful when we want to back up a Kafka topic to local 
>> store. Sometimes we have certain requirement to materialize a windowed topic 
>> (or changlog ...
>> cwiki.apache.org

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