
This issue seems to be resolved as part of KIP-258. Thus, I close this
discussion and mark this KIP as discarded.

Let me know if there is any objection. Thanks.


On 12/4/17 4:06 PM, Matthias J. Sax wrote:
> Jeyhun,
> is there any update regarding this KIP?
> -Matthias
> On 10/13/17 10:39 AM, Matthias J. Sax wrote:
>> I wanted to follow up with this KIP.
>> One important thing that is missing in this KIP, is the question where
>> the TS is coming from? ATM, timestamps are not stored in the state
>> stores -- it's a plain <key,value> format.
>> Thus, if we want to enable this feature, we need to change the data
>> format of the stores. This also required an upgrade path for
>> applications to migrate from the old format to the new format.
>> -Matthias
>> On 6/27/17 2:16 PM, Jeyhun Karimov wrote:
>>> Hi Michal,
>>> Thanks a lot for your comment. I fixed  the document.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jeyhun
>>> On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 6:49 PM Michal Borowiecki
>>> <michal.borowie...@openbet.com <mailto:michal.borowie...@openbet.com>>
>>> wrote:
>>>     Hi Jeyhun,
>>>     Could the proposed KeyContext.keyTs() be made more descriptive?
>>>     e.g. lastUpdated() or similar? So that users don't have to read the
>>>     docs to know it isn't the creation timestamp for instance.
>>>     Cheers,
>>>     Michał
>>>     On 04/06/17 01:24, Jeyhun Karimov wrote:
>>>>     Hi Matthias,
>>>>     Thanks for comments.
>>>>      - why do you only consider get() and not range() and all() ?
>>>>     The corresponding jira concentrates on single key lookups. Moreover, I
>>>>     could not find a use-case to include range queries to return records 
>>>> with
>>>>     timestamp. However, theoritically we can include range() and all() as 
>>>> well.
>>>>      - we cannot have a second get() (this would be ambiguous) but need
>>>>>     another name like getWithTs() (or something better)
>>>>      - what use case do you have in mind for getKeyTs() ? Would a single 
>>>> new
>>>>>     method returning KeyContext not be sufficient?
>>>>     Thanks for correction, this is my bad.
>>>>      - for backward compatibility, we will also need a new interface and
>>>>>     cannot just extend the existing one
>>>>      I will correct the KIP accordingly.
>>>>     Thanks,
>>>>     Jeyhun
>>>>     On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 7:36 AM, Matthias J. Sax 
>>>> <matth...@confluent.io> <mailto:matth...@confluent.io>
>>>>     wrote:
>>>>>     Thanks for the KIP Jeyhun.
>>>>>     Some comments:
>>>>>      - why do you only consider get() and not range() and all() ?
>>>>>      - we cannot have a second get() (this would be ambiguous) but need
>>>>>     another name like getWithTs() (or something better)
>>>>>      - what use case do you have in mind for getKeyTs() ? Would a single 
>>>>> new
>>>>>     method returning KeyContext not be sufficient?
>>>>>      - for backward compatibility, we will also need a new interface and
>>>>>     cannot just extend the existing one
>>>>>     -Matthias
>>>>>     On 5/29/17 4:55 PM, Jeyhun Karimov wrote:
>>>>>>     Dear community,
>>>>>>     I want to share KIP-165 [1] based on issue KAFKA-4304 [2].
>>>>>>     I would like to get your comments.
>>>>>>     [1]
>>>>>>     https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
>>>>>     165%3A+Extend+Interactive+Queries+for+return+latest+
>>>>>     update+timestamp+per+key
>>>>>>     [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4304
>>>>>>     Cheers,
>>>>>>     Jeyhun
>>>     -- 
>>>     <http://www.openbet.com/>       Michal Borowiecki
>>>     Senior Software Engineer L4
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>>> -- 
>>> -Cheers
>>> Jeyhun

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