Just a meta comment: do we really need to deprecate existing
`transform()` etc methods?

The last argument is a vararg, and thus, just keeping the existing API
for this part seems to work too, allowing to implement both patterns?

Also, instead of adding a default method, we could also add a new
interface `StoreBuilderSupplier` with method `List<StoreBuilder>
stateStores()` -- users could implement `TransformerSupplier` and
`StoreBuilderSupplier` at once; and for this case, we require that users
don't provide store name in `transform()`.

Similar, we could add an interface `StoreNameSupplier` with method
`List<String> stateStores()`. This allows to "auto-wire" a transformer
to existing stores (to avoid the issue to add the same store multiple

Hence, for shared stores, there would be one "main" transformer that
implements `StoreBuilderSupplier` and that must be added first to the
topology. The other transformers would implement `StoreNameSupplier` and
just connect to those stores.

Another possibility to avoid the issue of adding the same stores
multiple times would be, that the DSL always calls `addStateStore()` but
catches a potential "store exists already" exception and falls back to
`connectProcessorAndStateStore()` for this case. Thus, we would not need
the `StoreNameSupplier` interface and the order in which transformers
are added would not matter either. The only disadvantage I see, might be
potential bugs about sharing state if two different stores are named the
same by mistake (this would not be detected).

Just some ideas I wanted to share. What do you think?


On 12/11/18 3:46 AM, Paul Whalen wrote:
> Ah yes of course, this was an oversight, I completely ignored the multiple
> processors sharing the same state store when writing up the KIP.  Which is
> funny, because I've actually done this (different processors sharing state
> stores) a fair amount myself, and I've settled on a pattern where I group
> the Processors in an enclosing class, and that enclosing class handles as
> much as possible.  Here's a gist showing the rough structure, just for
> context: https://gist.github.com/pgwhalen/57a00dcc2269b7610e1aaeb1549b3b65
> . Note how it adds the stores to the topology, as well as providing a
> public method with the store names.
> I don't think my proposal completely conflicts with the multiple processors
> sharing state stores use case, since you can create a supplier that
> provides the store name you want, somewhat independently of your actual
> Processor logic.  The issue I do see though, is that
> topology.addStateStore() can only be called once for a given store.  So for
> your example, if the there was a single TransformerSupplier that was passed
> into both transform() calls, "store1" would be added (under the hood) to
> the topology twice, which is no good.
> Perhaps this suggests that one of my alternatives on the KIP might be
> desirable: either not having the suppliers return StoreBuilders (just store
> names), or not deprecating the old methods that take "String...
> stateStoreNames". I'll have to think about it a bit.
> Paul
> On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 11:57 PM Guozhang Wang <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Paul,
>> Thanks for the great writeup (very detailed and crystal motivation
>> sections!).
>> This is quite an interesting idea and I do like the API cleanness you
>> proposed. The original motivation of letting StreamsTopology to add state
>> stores though, is to allow different processors to share the state store.
>> For example:
>> builder.addStore("store1");
>> // a path of stream transformations that leads to KStream stream1.
>> stream1.transform(..., "store1");
>> // another path that generates a KStream stream2.
>> stream2.transform(..., "store1");
>> Behind the scene, Streams will make sure stream1 / stream2 transformations
>> will always be grouped together as a single group of tasks, each of which
>> will be executed by a single thread and hence there's no concurrency issues
>> on accessing the store from different operators within the same task. I'm
>> not sure how common this use case is, but I'd like to hear if you have any
>> thoughts maintaining this since the current proposal seems exclude this
>> possibility.
>> Guozhang
>> On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 4:18 PM Paul Whalen <pgwha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Here's KIP-401 for discussion, a minor Kafka Streams API change that I
>>> think could greatly increase the usability of the low-level processor
>> API.
>>> I have some code written but will wait to see if there is buy in before
>>> going all out and creating a pull request.  It seems like most of the
>> work
>>> would be in updating documentation and tests.
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=97553756
>>> Thanks!
>>> Paul
>> --
>> -- Guozhang

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