Thanks for the KIP Mickael!

two initial observations
`commitOffsets` methods could be renamed to `commitConsumerGroupOffsets` 
to better match the existing `listConsumerGroupOffsets`

`ListOffsetsOptions` offers you a per-request isolation level option and 
timestamp, but timestamp is a per-partition field in the Kafka ListOffsets 
Request API
so you're not exposing the full APi power with the option


Edoardo Comar

IBM Event Streams
IBM UK Ltd, Hursley Park, SO21 2JN

From:   Mickael Maison <>
To:     dev <>
Date:   30/11/2018 10:51
Subject:        [DISCUSS] KIP-396: Add Commit/List Offsets Operations to 


I've written a KIP to add commit/list offsets operation to the 

Please take a look and let me know if you have any feedback. Thanks

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