Thanks for the KIP Boyang.

I guess I am missing something, but I am still learning more details
about the rebalance protocol, so maybe you can help me out?

Assume a client sends UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID in its first joinGroup request.
The broker generates a `` and sends it back via
`MEMBER_ID_REQUIRED` error response. This response might never reach the
client or the client fails before it can send the second joinGroup
request. Thus, a client would need to start over with a new
UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID in its joinGroup request. Thus, the broker needs to
generate a new `` again.

So it seems the problem is moved, but not resolved? The motivation of
the KIP is:

> The edge case is that if initial join group request keeps failing due to 
> connection timeout, or the consumer keeps restarting,

From my understanding, this KIP move the issue from the first to the
second joinGroup request (or broker joinGroup response).

But maybe I am missing something. Can you help me out?


On 11/27/18 6:00 PM, Boyang Chen wrote:
> Thanks Stanislav and Jason for the suggestions!
>> Thanks for the KIP. Looks good overall. I think we will need to bump the
>> version of the JoinGroup protocol in order to indicate compatibility with
>> the new behavior. The coordinator needs to know when it is safe to assume
>> the client will handle the error code.
>> Also, I was wondering if we could reuse the REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS error
>> code. When the client sees this error code, it will take the memberId from
>> the response and rejoin. We'd still need the protocol bump since older
>> consumers do not have this logic.
> I will add the join group protocol version change to the KIP. Meanwhile I 
> feel for
> understandability it's better to define a separate error code since 
> is not the actual cause of the returned error.
>> One small question I have is now that we have one and a half round-trips
>> needed to join in a rebalance (1 full RT addition), is it worth it to
>> consider increasing the default value of ``?
> I guess we could keep it for now. After KIP-345 and incremental cooperative 
> rebalancing
> work we should be safe to deprecate ``. Also 
> one round trip
> shouldn't increase the latency too much IMO.
> Best,
> Boyang
> ________________________________
> From: Stanislav Kozlovski <>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 2:32 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-394: Require for initial join group 
> request
> Hi Boyang,
> The KIP looks very good.
> One small question I have is now that we have one and a half round-trips
> needed to join in a rebalance (1 full RT addition), is it worth it to
> consider increasing the default value of ``?
> Best,
> Stanislav
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 5:39 PM Jason Gustafson <> wrote:
>> Hi Boyang,
>> Thanks for the KIP. Looks good overall. I think we will need to bump the
>> version of the JoinGroup protocol in order to indicate compatibility with
>> the new behavior. The coordinator needs to know when it is safe to assume
>> the client will handle the error code.
>> Also, I was wondering if we could reuse the REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS error
>> code. When the client sees this error code, it will take the memberId from
>> the response and rejoin. We'd still need the protocol bump since older
>> consumers do not have this logic.
>> Thanks,
>> Jason
>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 5:47 PM Boyang Chen <> wrote:
>>> Hey friends,
>>> I would like to start a discussion thread for KIP-394 which is trying to
>>> mitigate broker cache bursting issue due to anonymous join group
>> requests:
>>> Thanks!
>>> Boyang
> --
> Best,
> Stanislav

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