Hi Please help for the below issue
i am using Kafka connect JDBC Connector and trying to pull the data from Oracle Database table. I am using Apache Kafka (not the confluent). But using JDBC connector from Confluent 5.0.0. i have a field of number(19) with auto-increment as a primary key. the data published from this field in the topic is in bytes/binary format. examples below {"Identifier":*"UQ=="* ,"User":"fdd","MODIFIED":1541798490000,"XYZ":40,"NEWDATE":17844,"NUM1":30,"extra":"test-file"} Also having the issues with timestamp field for which I am using Timestamp converter using SMT. I have wo date fields in the table. Data coming out as "MODIFIED":1541798490000 and "NEWDATE":17844 Transform configurations are as follows transforms.DateConvert.type=org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.TimestampConverter$Value transforms.DateConvert.target.type=Date transforms.DateConvert.field=NEWDATE transforms.DateConvert.format=yyyy-MM-dd I am also using numeric.mapping=best_fit cansome one help please -- Regards Sanjeev Jain