
what is the status of this KIP?


On 6/17/18 9:21 PM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
> Thanks for the KIP Boyang, I made a pass over the KIP and the PR and have
> some comments:
> 1. About the public API, I agree with Matthias that we can consider
> exposing the `innerDeserializer` and `innerSerializer` in the
> Time/SessionWindowSerializer/Deserializer, and the `innerSerde` in `
> WrapperSerde` so that users can still pass in a `WindowedSerde<T>` into
> Materialized and Consumed. So that we can have the public API as:
> ```
> (final String topic, final Consumed<Windowed<K>, V> consumed, final
> Materialized<Windowed<K>, V, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized);
> (final String topic, final Consumed<Windowed<K>, V> consumed);
> (final String topic, final Materialized<Windowed<K>, V, WindowStore<Bytes,
> byte[]>> materialized);
> ```
> 2. There is another WIP interface change to introduce a WindowedKTable<K,
> V> as an alias of KTable<Windowed<K>, V> for a different purpose of adding
> some functions only allowed for windowed table. I'm wondering with this
> interface class if we can work around the Java "method has same erasure"
> error with the same function name? This is just a wild thought, and I think
> if we ended up adding `Windowed` into the parameters it may not matter
> about the signature anyways.
> 3. This is just a question about your use case: it seems in your scenarios,
> you will materialize the window store twice in your topology: first time
> when you generate the windowed KTable from an windowed aggregation
> operator, the aggregation result i.e. the KTable<Windowed<K>, V> is already
> materialized into a store, and then when you pipe the changelog of this
> windowed KTable through an intermediate topic, and read from this topic to
> form a KTable<Windowed<K>, V>, you will materialize this store again, and
> the two materialized state stores will contain completely the same data.
> Have you thought about whether you really need to materialize it twice?
> Guozhang
> On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 3:04 PM, Matthias J. Sax <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks lot for the KIP. The general idea to allow reading
>> windowed-KTables is very useful! Couple of initial comments/question:
>> About only adding a single `windowedTable()` with no overloads:
>>  - retention time is no mandatory parameter and we can always use the
>> default of 1 day
>>  - instead of enforcing both, Consumed and Materialized, we could also
>> extend WindowedSerde to exposed its wrapped key-Serde; thus, if a user
>> passes in `WindowedSerde` the inner key-serde can be extracted and users
>> do not need to pass in the key-Serde explicitly.
>>  - while I agree that we need to pass in the window-size parameter, I am
>> not sure if using Materialized is the best way to do this; it seems that
>> window-size is the only mandatory parameter, thus we might be able to
>> pass it directly and thus allow to make `Consumed` and `Materialized`
>> optional. Something like:
>>> windowedTable(String topicName, long windowSizeMs);
>> As an (maybe better) alternative, we could also introduce a public
>> `Windowed` interface similar to `Produced`, `Consumed`, `Materialized`
>> etc that we us to pass in window parameters. Or maybe reuse the existing
>> `Windows` class (ie, the same definition that is used in
>> KGroupStream#windowedBy() can be passed into the new `windowedTable()`
>> method.
>> I also noticed, that the KIP only covers TimesWindows. Should we extend
>> it to cover SessionWindows, too?
>>> One side effect is that we bring `ChangeLoggingWindowBytesStore`
>> public for unit test purpose.
>> No need to mention this, because this class in in package "internals"
>> and not part of public API.
>> -Matthias
>> On 5/24/18 10:39 PM, Boyang Chen wrote:
>>> Hey friends,
>>> I know this is critical time for the 2.0 release. Just want to call out
>> again for further review on the API format. Any feedback would be
>> appreciated, thank you!
>>> Boyang
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Liquan Pei <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 4:29 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSSION] KIP-300: Add Windowed KTable API in
>> StreamsBuilder
>>> This KIP makes sharing a WindowedKTable among Kafka Stream jobs very
>> easy.
>>> It would be nice to get this into trunk soon.
>>> Best,
>>> Liquan
>>> On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 12:25 PM, Boyang Chen <>
>> wrote:
>>>> Hey all,
>>>> I would like to start a discussion thread on KIP 300, which introduces a
>>>> new API called windowedTable() in StreamsBuilder:
>>>> 300%3A+Add+Windowed+KTable+API+in+StreamsBuilder
>>>> The pull request I'm working on is here:
>>>> kafka/pull/5044
>>>> I understood that the community is busy working on 2.0 release, but this
>>>> KIP is really important for our internal use case. So if any of you got
>>>> time, please focus on clarifying the use case and reaching the
>> agreement of
>>>> API. Really appreciate your time!
>>>> Best,
>>>> Boyang
>>> --
>>> Liquan Pei
>>> Software Engineer, Confluent Inc

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