
Can you point at the starting point for your Connector? Happy to do a quick
review of code.

I'll admit, I'm a bit confused by the PLC4X positioning -- it seems to
claim to be universal IoT protocol, but then I see, e.g., nothing about
MQTT on the front page, a protocol that Kafka Connect already has a couple
of Connectors for. Could you clarify what format/serialization/use case
PLC4X has?


On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 7:43 AM Christofer Dutz <>

> Hi all,
> I am one of the Apache PLC4X (incubating) committers and am looking for
> people willing to help out with a little thing.
> PLC4X is aiming at industrial programmable logic controllers. So what we
> are doing is similar what JDBC did in the late 90s.
> We’ve implemented a universal API with which we can write software to
> access industrial PLCs in a unified way.
> In contrast to OPC-UA we do not require any changes on the devices as we
> implement the drivers for the individual protocols as main part of the
> PLC4X project.
> We hope that this will help us use all our cool Apache software for
> building the next generation of Industry 4.0 solutions,
> as currently it’s a real problem to communicate with these little gray
> boxes directly.
> We not only work hard on the API and the matching drivers, but also on
> integration modules to easily use PLC4X in other frameworks.
> We already have full Apache Camel and Apache Edgent support.
> Even if we do have examples for reading and writing data from and to
> Kafka, we would really like to provide a Kafka-Connect adapter.
> This would make it super easy to communicate with industrial controllers
> from inside the Kafka ecosystem.
> I have already implemented a stub of a Kafka Connect plugin with Source
> and Sink partially implemented.
> So this stub has all the code for reading and writing via PLC4X but I am
> not quite that deep into Kafka that I think I should finish this
> implementation without professional support of the people actually knowing
> what they are doing on the Kafka side.
> So is anyone here able and willing to help with this Kafka Connect Plugin
> for PLC4X?
> Looking forward to positive responses ;-)
> Chris

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