Hi All, This is the continuation of the old KIP-375 with the same title: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/dc71d08de8cd2f082765be22c9f88bc9f8b39bb8e0929a3a4394e9da@%3Cdev.kafka.apache.org%3E
The problem there was that two KIPs were created around the same time and I chose to reorganize mine a bit and give it a new number to avoid duplication. The KIP summary here once again: I wrote up a relatively simple KIP about improving the Kafka protocol and the TopicCommand tool to support the new Java based AdminClient and hopefully to deprecate the Zookeeper side of it. I would be happy to receive some opinions about this. In general I think this would be an important addition as this is one of the few left but important tools that still uses direct Zookeeper connection. Here is the link for the KIP: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-377%3A+TopicCommand+to+use+AdminClient Cheers, Viktor