Hi all, A requirement has been raised by a colleague and I wanted to see if there is any interest in the community in adding the functionality to Apache Kafka.
ConsumerGroupCommand tool in describe ('--describe' or '--describe --offsets') mode currently lists all topics the group has consumed from and all consumers with assigned partitions for a single group. The idea is to allow filtering of topics, consumers (client ids), and even groups using regular expressions. This will allow the tool to handle use cases such as What's the status of a particular consumer (or consumers) in all the groups they are consuming from? (for example to check if they are lagging behind in all groups) What consumer groups are consuming from a topic (or topics) and what's the lag for each group? Limit the existing result to the topics/consumers of interest (for groups with several topics/consumers) ... This would potentially lead to enhancing the AdminClient API as well. If the community also sees a value in this, I could start drafting a KIP. Thanks for your feedback. --Vahid