Thanks for driving the release!

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 3:55 PM Rajini Sivaram <> wrote:

> The Apache Kafka community is pleased to announce the release for
> Apache Kafka 2.0.0.
> This is a major release and includes significant new features from
> 40 KIPs. It contains fixes and improvements from 246 JIRAs, including
> a few critical bugs. Here is a summary of some notable changes:
> ** KIP-290 adds support for prefixed ACLs, simplifying access control
> management in large secure deployments. Bulk access to topics,
> consumer groups or transactional ids with a prefix can now be granted
> using a single rule. Access control for topic creation has also been
> improved to enable access to be granted to create specific topics or
> topics with a prefix.
> ** KIP-255 adds a framework for authenticating to Kafka brokers using
> OAuth2 bearer tokens. The SASL/OAUTHBEARER implementation is
> customizable using callbacks for token retrieval and validation.
> **Host name verification is now enabled by default for SSL connections
> to ensure that the default SSL configuration is not susceptible to
> man-in-the middle attacks. You can disable this verification for
> deployments where validation is performed using other mechanisms.
> ** You can now dynamically update SSL trust stores without broker restart.
> You can also configure security for broker listeners in ZooKeeper before
> starting brokers, including SSL key store and trust store passwords and
> JAAS configuration for SASL. With this new feature, you can store sensitive
> password configs in encrypted form in ZooKeeper rather than in cleartext
> in the broker properties file.
> ** The replication protocol has been improved to avoid log divergence
> between leader and follower during fast leader failover. We have also
> improved resilience of brokers by reducing the memory footprint of
> message down-conversions. By using message chunking, both memory
> usage and memory reference time have been reduced to avoid
> OutOfMemory errors in brokers.
> ** Kafka clients are now notified of throttling before any throttling is
> applied
> when quotas are enabled. This enables clients to distinguish between
> network errors and large throttle times when quotas are exceeded.
> ** We have added a configuration option for Kafka consumer to avoid
> indefinite blocking in the consumer.
> ** We have dropped support for Java 7 and removed the previously
> deprecated Scala producer and consumer.
> ** Kafka Connect includes a number of improvements and features.
> KIP-298 enables you to control how errors in connectors, transformations
> and converters are handled by enabling automatic retries and controlling
> the
> number of errors that are tolerated before the connector is stopped. More
> contextual information can be included in the logs to help diagnose
> problems
> and problematic messages consumed by sink connectors can be sent to a
> dead letter queue rather than forcing the connector to stop.
> ** KIP-297 adds a new extension point to move secrets out of connector
> configurations and integrate with any external key management system.
> The placeholders in connector configurations are only resolved before
> sending the configuration to the connector, ensuring that secrets are
> stored
> and managed securely in your preferred key management system and
> not exposed over the REST APIs or in log files.
> ** We have added a thin Scala wrapper API for our Kafka Streams DSL,
> which provides better type inference and better type safety during compile
> time. Scala users can have less boilerplate in their code, notably
> regarding
> Serdes with new implicit Serdes.
> ** Message headers are now supported in the Kafka Streams Processor API,
> allowing users to add and manipulate headers read from the source topics
> and propagate them to the sink topics.
> ** Windowed aggregations performance in Kafka Streams has been largely
> improved (sometimes by an order of magnitude) thanks to the new
> single-key-fetch API.
> ** We have further improved unit testibility of Kafka Streams with the
> kafka-streams-testutil artifact.
> All of the changes in this release can be found in the release notes:
> You can download the source and binary release (Scala 2.11 and Scala 2.12)
> from:
> <>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform with four core APIs:
> ** The Producer API allows an application to publish a stream records to
> one or more Kafka topics.
> ** The Consumer API allows an application to subscribe to one or more
> topics and process the stream of records produced to them.
> ** The Streams API allows an application to act as a stream processor,
> consuming an input stream from one or more topics and producing an
> output stream to one or more output topics, effectively transforming the
> input streams to output streams.
> ** The Connector API allows building and running reusable producers or
> consumers that connect Kafka topics to existing applications or data
> systems. For example, a connector to a relational database might
> capture every change to a table.
> With these APIs, Kafka can be used for two broad classes of application:
> ** Building real-time streaming data pipelines that reliably get data
> between systems or applications.
> ** Building real-time streaming applications that transform or react
> to the streams of data.
> Apache Kafka is in use at large and small companies worldwide, including
> Capital One, Goldman Sachs, ING, LinkedIn, Netflix, Pinterest, Rabobank,
> Target, The New York Times, Uber, Yelp, and Zalando, among others.
> A big thank you for the following 131 contributors to this release!
> Adem Efe Gencer, Alex D, Alex Dunayevsky, Allen Wang, Andras Beni,
> Andy Bryant, Andy Coates, Anna Povzner, Arjun Satish, asutosh936,
> Attila Sasvari, bartdevylder, Benedict Jin, Bill Bejeck, Blake Miller,
> Boyang Chen, cburroughs, Chia-Ping Tsai, Chris Egerton, Colin P. Mccabe,
> Colin Patrick McCabe, ConcurrencyPractitioner, Damian Guy, dan norwood,
> Daniel Shuy, Daniel Wojda, Dark, David Glasser, Debasish Ghosh, Detharon,
> Dhruvil Shah, Dmitry Minkovsky, Dong Lin, Edoardo Comar, emmanuel Harel,
> Eugene Sevastyanov, Ewen Cheslack-Postava, Fedor Bobin, fedosov-alexander,
> Filipe Agapito, Florian Hussonnois, fredfp, Gilles Degols, gitlw, Gitomain,
> Guangxian, Gunju Ko, Gunnar Morling, Guozhang Wang, hmcl, huxi, huxihx,
> Igor Kostiakov, Ismael Juma, Jacek Laskowski, Jagadesh Adireddi,
> Jarek Rudzinski, Jason Gustafson, Jeff Klukas, Jeremy Custenborder,
> Jiangjie (Becket) Qin, Jiangjie Qin, JieFang.He, Jimin Hsieh, Joan Goyeau,
> Joel Hamill, John Roesler, Jon Lee, Jorge Quilcate Otoya, Jun Rao,
> Kamal C, khairy, Koen De Groote, Konstantine Karantasis, Lee Dongjin,
> Liju John, Liquan Pei, lisa2lisa, Lucas Wang, Magesh Nandakumar,
> Magnus Edenhill, Magnus Reftel, Manikumar Reddy, Manikumar Reddy O,
> manjuapu, Mats Julian Olsen, Matthias J. Sax, Max Zheng, maytals,
> Michael Arndt, Michael G. Noll, Mickael Maison, nafshartous, Nick Travers,
> nixsticks, Paolo Patierno, parafiend, Patrik Erdes, Radai Rosenblatt,
> Rajini Sivaram, Randall Hauch, ro7m, Robert Yokota, Roman Khlebnov,
> Ron Dagostino, Sandor Murakozi, Sasaki Toru, Sean Glover,
> Sebastian Bauersfeld, Siva Santhalingam, Stanislav Kozlovski, Stephane
> Maarek,
> Stuart Perks, Surabhi Dixit, Sönke Liebau, taekyung, tedyu, Thomas Leplus,
> UVN, Vahid Hashemian, Valentino Proietti, Viktor Somogyi, Vitaly Pushkar,
> Wladimir Schmidt, wushujames, Xavier Léauté, xin, yaphet,
> Yaswanth Kumar, ying-zheng, Yu
> We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to
> report problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at
> Thank you!
> Regards,
> Rajini

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