Hey Ron,

You brought up some great points. I did my best to address them and updated
the KIP.

I should mention that I used commas to separate extensions in the protocol,
because we did not use the recommended Control-A character for separators
in the OAuth message and I figured I would not change it.
Now that I saw your PR about implementing the proper separators in OAUTH
<https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/5391> and will change my
implementation once yours gets merged, meaning commas will be a supported
value for extensions.

About the implementation: yes you're right, you should define `
sasl.client.callback.handler.class` which has the same functionality as `
OAuthBearerSaslClientCallbackHandler` plus the additional functionality of
handling the `SaslExtensionsCallback` by attaching extensions to it.
The only reason you'd populate the `Subject` object with the extensions is
if you used the default `SaslClientCallbackHandler` (which handles the
extensions callback by adding whatever's in the subject), as the SCRAM
authentication does.
And yes, in that case you would need a custom `LoginModule` which populates
the Subject in that case, although I'm not sure if Kafka supports pluggable
LoginModules. Does it?


On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 9:50 AM Ron Dagostino <rndg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Stanislav.  Could you add something to the KIP about the security
> implications related to the CSV name/value pairs sent in the extension?
> For example, the OAuth access token may have a digital signature, but the
> extensions generally will not (unless one of the values is a JWS compact
> serialization, but I doubt anyone would go that far), so the server
> generally cannot trust the extensions to be accurate for anything
> critical.  You mentioned the "better tracing and troubleshooting" use case,
> which I think is fine despite the lack of security; given that lack of
> security, though, I believe it is important to also state what the
> extensions should *not* be used for.
> Also, could you indicate in the KIP how the extensions might actually be
> added?  My take on that would be to extend OAuthBearerLoginModule to
> override the initialize() and commit() methods so that the derived class
> would have access to the Subject instance and could add a map to the
> subject's public or private credentials when the commit succeeds; then I
> think the sasl.client.callback.handler.class would have to be explicitly
> set to a class that extends the default implementation
> (OAuthBearerSaslClientCallbackHandler) and retrieves the map when handling
> the SaslExtensionsCallback.  But maybe you are thinking about it
> differently?  Some guidance on how to actually take advantage of the
> feature via an implementation would be a useful addition to the KIP.
> Finally, I note that the extension parsing does not support a comma in keys
> or values.  This should be addressed somehow -- either by supporting via an
> escaping mechanism or by explicitly acknowledging that it is unsupported.
> Thanks for the KIP and the simultaneous PR -- having both at the same time
> really helped.
> Ron
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 6:22 PM Stanislav Kozlovski <
> stanis...@confluent.io>
> wrote:
> > Hey group,
> >
> > I just created a new KIP about adding customizable SASL extensions to the
> > OAuthBearer authentication mechanism. More details in the proposal
> >
> > KIP:
> >
> >
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-342%3A+Add+support+for+Custom+SASL+extensions+in+OAuthBearer+authentication
> > JIRA: KAFKA-7169 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-7169>
> > PR: Pull request <https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/5379>
> >
> > --
> > Best,
> > Stanislav
> >


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