Hi, Luis,

Thanks for the KIP. Overall, this seems a useful KIP. A few comments below.
1. I guess both new configurations will be at the topic level?
2. Since the log cleaner now needs to keep both the offset and another long
(say timestamp) in the de-dup map, it reduces the number of keys that we
can keep in the map and thus may require more rounds of cleaning. This is
probably not a big issue, but it will be useful to document this impact in
the KIP.
3. With the new cleaning strategy, we want to be a bit careful with
removing the last message in a partition (which is possible now). We need
to preserve the offset of the last message so that we don't reuse the
offset for a different message. One way to simply never remove the last
message. Another way (suggested by Jason) is to create an empty message


On Sat, Jun 9, 2018 at 12:39 AM, Luís Cabral <luis_cab...@yahoo.com.invalid>

> Hi all,
> Any takers on having a look at this KIP and voting on it?
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
> 280%3A+Enhanced+log+compaction
> Cheers,
> Luis

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