I wrote a blog post on min.isr that explains it in more detail:

The post is 2 years old, but I think it's still correct.


> On Jun 7, 2018, at 10:31 PM, Carl Samuelson <c...@brightbobbin.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Hopefully this is the correct email address and forum for this.
> I asked this question on stack overflow, but did not get an answer:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50689177/kafka-ack-all-and-min-isr
> *Summary*
> The docs and code comments for Kafka suggest that when the producer setting
> acks is set to allthen an ack will only be sent to the producer when *all
> in-sync replicas have caught up*, but the code (Partition.Scala,
> checkEnoughReplicasReachOffset) seems to suggest that the ack is sent as
> soon as *min in-sync replicas have caught up*.
> *Details*
> The kafka docs have this:
> acks=all This means the leader will wait for the full set of in-sync
> replicas to acknowledge the record. source
> <https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/>
> Also, looking at the Kafka source code - partition.scala
> checkEnoughReplicasReachOffset() has the following comment (emphasis mine):
> Note that this method will only be called if requiredAcks = -1 and we are
> waiting for *all replicas*in ISR to be fully caught up to the (local)
> leader's offset corresponding to this produce request before we acknowledge
> the produce request.
> Finally, this answer <https://stackoverflow.com/a/45783921/746754> on Stack
> Overflow (emphasis mine again)
> Also the min in-sync replica setting specifies the minimum number of
> replicas that need to be in-sync for the partition to remain available for
> writes. When a producer specifies ack (-1 / all config) it will still wait
> for acks from *all in sync replicas* at that moment (independent of the
> setting for min in-sync replicas).
> But when I look at the code in Partition.Scala (note minIsr <
> curInSyncReplicas.size):
> def checkEnoughReplicasReachOffset(requiredOffset: Long): (Boolean, Errors) = 
> {
>  ...
>  val minIsr = leaderReplica.log.get.config.minInSyncReplicas
>  if (leaderReplica.highWatermark.messageOffset >= requiredOffset) {
>    if (minIsr <= curInSyncReplicas.size)
>      (true, Errors.NONE)
> The code that calls this returns the ack:
> if (error != Errors.NONE || hasEnough) {
>  status.acksPending = false
>  status.responseStatus.error = error
> }
> So, the code looks like it returns an ack as soon as the in-sync replica
> set are greater than min in-sync replicas. However, the documentation and
> comments suggest that the ack is only sent once all in-sync replicas have
> caught up. What am I missing? At the very least, the comment above
> checkEnoughReplicasReachOffset looks like it should be changed.
> Regards,
> Carl

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