
To reverse the question: if this argument holds, why does it not apply
to the case when the header key is used as compaction attribute?

I am not against keeping both records in case timestamps are equal, but
shouldn't we apply the same strategy for all cases and don't use offset
as tie-breaker at all?


On 5/6/18 8:47 PM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
> Hello Matthias,
> The related discussion was in the PR:
> The concern is that, to use offset as tie breaker we need to double the
> entry size of the entry in bounded compaction cache, and hence largely
> reduce the effectiveness of the compaction itself. Since with milliseconds
> timestamp the scenario of ties with the same key is expected to be small, I
> think it would be a reasonable tradeoff to make.
> Guozhang
> On Sun, May 6, 2018 at 9:37 AM, Matthias J. Sax <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just updated myself on this KIP. One question (maybe it was discussed
>> and I missed it). What is the motivation to not use the offset as tie
>> breaker for the "timestamp" case? Isn't this inconsistent behavior?
>> -Matthias
>> On 5/2/18 2:07 PM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
>>> Hello Luís,
>>> Sorry for the late reply.
>>> My understanding is that such duplicates will only happen if the
>> non-offset
>>> version value, either the timestamp or some long-typed header key, are
>> the
>>> same (i.e. we cannot break ties).
>>> 1. For timestamp, which is in milli-seconds, I think in practice the
>>> likelihood of records with the same key and the same milli-sec timestamp
>>> are very small. And hence the duplicate amount should be very small.
>>> 2. For long-typed header key, it is arguably out of Kafka's control, and
>>> indeed users may (mistakenly) generate many records with the same key and
>>> the same header value.
>>> So I'd like to propose a counter-offer: for 1), we still use only 8 bytes
>>> and allows for potential duplicates due to ties; for 2) we use 16 bytes
>> to
>>> always break ties. The motivation for distinguishing 1) and 2), is that
>> my
>>> expectation for 1) would be much common, and hence worth special handling
>>> it to be more effective in cleaning. WDYT?
>>> Guozhang
>>> On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 2:36 AM, Luís Cabral
>> <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>  Hi Guozhang,
>>>> Have you managed to have a look at my reply?
>>>> How do you feel about this?
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> Luís Cabral
>>>>     On Monday, April 30, 2018, 9:27:15 AM GMT+2, Luís Cabral <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>   Hi Guozhang,
>>>> I understand the argument, but this is a hazardous compromise for using
>>>> Kafka as an event store (as is my original intention).
>>>> I expect to have many duplicated messages in Kafka as the overall
>>>> architecture being used allows for the producer to re-send a fresh
>> state of
>>>> the backed data into Kafka.Though this scenario is not common, as the
>>>> intention is for Kafka to bear the weight of replaying all the records
>> for
>>>> new consumers, but it will occasionally happen.
>>>> As there are plenty of records which are not updated frequently, this
>>>> would leave the topic with a surplus of quite a few million duplicate
>>>> records (and increasing every time the above mentioned function is
>> applied).
>>>> I would prefer to have the temporary memory footprint of 8 bytes per
>>>> record whenever the compaction is run (only when not in 'offset' mode),
>>>> than allowing for the topic to run into this state.
>>>> What do you think? Is this scenario too specific for me, or do you
>> believe
>>>> that it could happen to other clients as well?
>>>> Thanks again for the continued discussion!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Luis    On Friday, April 27, 2018, 8:21:13 PM GMT+2, Guozhang Wang <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>  Hello Luis,
>>>> When the comparing the version returns `equal`, the original proposal
>> is to
>>>> use the offset as the tie breaker. My previous comment is that
>>>> 1) when we build the map calling `put`, if there is already an entry for
>>>> the key, compare its stored version, and replace if the put record's
>>>> version is "no smaller than" the stored record: this is because when
>>>> building the map we are always going from smaller offsets to larger
>> ones.
>>>> 2) when making a second pass to determine if each record should be
>> retained
>>>> based on the map, we do not try to break the tie if the map's returned
>>>> version is the same but always treat it as "keep". In this case when we
>> are
>>>> comparing a record with itself stored in the offset map, version
>> comparison
>>>> would return `equals`. As I mentioned in the PR, one caveat is that we
>> may
>>>> indeed have multiple records with the same key and the same version, but
>>>> once a new versioned record is appended it will be deleted.
>>>> Does that make sense?
>>>> Guozhang
>>>> On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 4:20 AM, Luís Cabral
>> <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>> I was updating the PR to match the latest decisions and noticed (or
>>>>> rather, the integration tests noticed) that without storing the offset,
>>>>> then the cache doesn't know when to keep the record itself.
>>>>> This is because, after the cache is populated, all the records are
>>>>> compared against the stored ones, so "Record{key:A,offset:1,
>> version:1}"
>>>>> will compare against itself and be flagged as "don't keep", since we
>> only
>>>>> compared based on the version and didn't check to see if the offset was
>>>> the
>>>>> same or not.
>>>>> This sort of invalidates not storing the offset in the cache,
>>>>> unfortunately, and the binary footprint increases two-fold when
>> "offset"
>>>> is
>>>>> not used as a compaction strategy.
>>>>> Guozhang: Is it ok with you if we go back on this decision and leave
>> the
>>>>> offset as a tie-breaker?
>>>>> Kind Regards,Luis
>>>>>    On Friday, April 27, 2018, 11:11:55 AM GMT+2, Luís Cabral
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>> The KIP is now updated with the results of the byte array discussion.
>>>>> This is my first contribution to Kafka, so I'm not sure on what the
>>>>> processes are. Is it now acceptable to take this into a vote, or
>> should I
>>>>> ask for more contributors to join the discussion first?
>>>>> Kind Regards,Luis    On Friday, April 27, 2018, 6:12:03 AM GMT+2,
>>>> Guozhang
>>>>> Wang <> wrote:
>>>>>  Hello Luís,
>>>>>> Offset is an integer? I've only noticed it being resolved as a long so
>>>>> far.
>>>>> You are right, offset is a long.
>>>>> As for timestamp / other types, I left a comment in your PR about
>>>> handling
>>>>> tie breakers.
>>>>>> Given these arguments, is this point something that you absolutely
>> must
>>>>> have?
>>>>> No I do not have a strong use case in mind to go with arbitrary byte
>>>>> arrays, was just thinking that if we are going to enhance log
>> compaction
>>>>> why not generalize it more :)
>>>>> Your concern about the memory usage makes sense. I'm happy to take my
>>>>> suggestion back and enforce only long typed fields.
>>>>> Guozhang
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 1:44 AM, Luís Cabral
>>>> <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>> bq. have a integer typed OffsetMap (for offset)
>>>>>> Offset is an integer? I've only noticed it being resolved as a long so
>>>>> far.
>>>>>> bq. long typed OffsetMap (for timestamp)
>>>>>> We would still need to store the offset, as it is functioning as a
>>>>>> tie-breaker. Not that this is a big deal, we can be easily have both
>>>> (as
>>>>>> currently done on the PR).
>>>>>> bq. For the byte array typed offset map, we can use a general hashmap,
>>>>>> where the hashmap's CAPACITY will be reasoned from the given "val
>>>> memory:
>>>>>> Int" parameter
>>>>>> If you have a map with 128 byte capacity, then store a value with 16
>>>>> bytes
>>>>>> and another with 32 bytes, how many free slots do you have left in
>> this
>>>>> map?
>>>>>> You can make this work, but I think you would need to re-design the
>>>> whole
>>>>>> log cleaner approach, which implies changing some of the already
>>>> existing
>>>>>> configurations (like ""). I would
>>>>> rather
>>>>>> maintain backwards compatibility as much as possible in this KIP, and
>>>> if
>>>>>> this means that using "foo" / "bar" or "2.1-a" / "3.20-b" as record
>>>>>> versions is not viable, then so be it.
>>>>>> Given these arguments, is this point something that you absolutely
>> must
>>>>>> have? I'm still sort of hoping that you are just entertaining the idea
>>>>> and
>>>>>> are ok with having a long (now conceded to be unsigned, so the byte
>>>>> arrays
>>>>>> can be compared directly).
>>>>>> Kind Regards,Luis
>>>>> --
>>>>> -- Guozhang
>>>> --
>>>> -- Guozhang

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