
thanks for the KIP. I don't have any further comments.

My 2cents about Guozhang's questions: as I like consistent behavior, I
think transfromValues() should behave the same way as filter() and


On 5/2/18 2:24 PM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
> Hello Andy,
> Thanks for the KIP. The motivation and the general proposal looks good to
> me. I think in KTable it is indeed valuable to add the functions that does
> not change key, such as mapValues, transformValues, and filter.
> There are a few meta comments I have about the semantics of the newly added
> functions:
> 1) For the resulted KTable, how should its "queryableStoreName()" be
> returning?
> 2) More specifically, how do we decide if the resulted KTable is to be
> materialized or not? E.g. if there is no store names provided then it is
> likely that the resulted KTable is not materialized, or at least not
> logically materialized and not be queryable. What if there is at least one
> state store provided? Will any of them be provided as the materialized
> store, or should we still add a Materialized parameter for this purpose?
> 3) For its internal implementations, how should the key/value serde,
> sendOldValues flag etc be inherited from its parent processor node?
> Guozhang
> On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 12:43 PM, Andy Coates <> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I would like to start a discussion for KIP 292. I would appreciate it if
>> you could review and provide feedback.
>> KIP: KIP-292: Add transformValues() method to KTable
>> <
>> 292%3A+Add+transformValues%28%29+method+to+KTable>
>> Jira: KAFKA-6849 <>
>>    PR: #4959 <>
>> Thanks,
>> Andy

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