I would like to volunteer to be the release manager for our next time-based feature release (v2.0.0). See https://cwiki.apache.org/ confluence/display/KAFKA/Time+Based+Release+Plan <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Time+Based+Release+Plan> if you missed previous communication on time-based releases or need a reminder. See https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/8a5ccd348c5ee6b16976ec4acf69bda074fa2e253ebc17be6110f776@%3Cdev.kafka.apache.org%3E if you missed the voting thread on bumping the version of the June release to 2.0.0.
I put together a draft release plan with June 2018 as the release month and a list of KIPs that have already been voted: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=80448820 Version 1.2.0 has been merged into 2.0.0. Some important (and fast approaching) dates: - KIP Freeze: May 22, 2018 (a KIP must be accepted by this date in order to be considered for this release) - Feature Freeze: May 29, 2018 (major features merged & working on stabilization, minor features have PR, release branch cut; anything not in this state will be automatically moved to the next release in JIRA) Regards, Rajini