For the second alternative which was rejected (The follower sends all
sequences of {leader_epoch, end_offset})

bq. also increases the size of OffsetForLeaderEpoch request by at least

Though the size increases, the number of roundtrips is reduced meaningfully
which would increase the robustness of the solution.

Please expand the reasoning for unclean leader election for this


On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 12:17 PM, Anna Povzner <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just created KIP-279 to fix edge cases of log divergence for both clean
> and unclean leader election configs.
> 279%3A+Fix+log+divergence+between+leader+and+follower+
> after+fast+leader+fail+over
> The KIP is basically a follow up to KIP-101, and proposes a slight
> extension to the replication protocol to fix edge cases where logs can
> diverge due to fast leader fail over.
> Feedback and suggestions are welcome!
> Thanks,
> Anna

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