Hello John,

Thanks for the KIP. Some comments:

1. Could you list all the possible values of the "reason" tag? In the JIRA
ticket I left some potential reasons but I'm not clear if you're going to
categorize each of them as a separate reason, or is there any additional
ones you have in mind.

Also I'm wondering if we should add another metric that do not have the
reason tag but aggregates among all possible reasons? This is for users to
easily set their alerting notifications (otherwise they have to write on
notification rule per reason) in their monitoring systems.

2. Note that the processor-node metrics is actually "per-thread, per-task,
per-processor-node", and today we only set the per-thread metrics as INFO
while leaving the lower two layers as DEBUG. I agree with your argument
that we are missing the per-client roll-up metrics today, but I'm convinced
that the right way to approach it would be "just-providing-the-lowest-level
metrics only".

Note the recoding implementation of these three levels are different
internally today: we did not just do the rolling up to generate the
higher-level metrics from the lower level ones, but we just record them
separately, which means that, if we turn on multiple levels of metrics, we
maybe duplicate collecting some metrics. One can argue that is not the best
way to represent multi-level metrics collecting and reporting, but by only
enabling thread-level metrics as INFO today, that implementation could be
more efficient than only collecting the metrics at the lowest level, and
then do the roll-up calculations outside of the metrics classes.

Plus, today not all processor-nodes may possibly skip records, AFAIK we
will only skip records at the source, sink, window and aggregation
processor nodes, so adding a metric per processor looks like an overkill to
me as well. On the other hand, from user's perspective the "reason" tag may
be sufficient for them to narrow down where inside the topology is causing
records to be dropped on the floor. So I think the "per-thread, per-task"
level metrics should be sufficient for them in trouble shoot in DEBUG mode,
and we can add another "per-thread" level metrics as INFO which is turned
on by default. So under normal execution users still only need INFO level
metrics for alerting (e.g. set alerts on all skipped-records metrics as
non-zero), and then upon trouble shooting they can turn on DEBUG metrics to
look into which task is actually causing the skipped records.


On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 2:03 PM, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io>

> Thanks for the KIP John.
> Reading the material on the related Jiras, I am wondering what `reason`
> tags you want to introduce? Can you elaborate? The KIP should list those
> About the fine grained metrics vs the roll-up: you say that
> > the coarse metric aggregates across two dimensions simultaneously
> Can you elaborate why this is an issue? I am not convinced atm that we
> should put the fine grained metrics into INFO level and remove the
> roll-up at thread level.
> > Given that they have to do this sum to get a usable top-level view
> This is a fair concern, but I don't share the conclusion. Offering a
> built-in `KafkaStreams` "client" roll-up out of the box might be a
> better solution. In the past we did not offer this due to performance
> concerns, but we could allow an "opt-in" mechanism. If you disagree, can
> you provide some reasoning and add them to the "Rejected alternatives"
> section.
> To rephrase: I understand the issue about missing top-level view, but
> instead of going more fine grained, we should consider to add this
> top-level view and add/keep the fine grained metrics at DEBUG level only
> I am +1 to add TopologyTestDriver#metrics() and to remove old metrics
> directly as you suggested.
> -Matthias
> On 3/28/18 6:42 PM, Ted Yu wrote:
> > Looks good to me.
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 3:11 PM, John Roesler <j...@confluent.io> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello all,
> >>
> >> I am proposing KIP-274 to improve the metrics around skipped records in
> >> Streams.
> >>
> >> Please find the details here:
> >> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
> >> 274%3A+Kafka+Streams+Skipped+Records+Metrics
> >>
> >> Please let me know what you think!
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> -John
> >>
> >

-- Guozhang

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