On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 5:57 PM, Colin McCabe <cmcc...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 4, 2018, at 10:37, Jun Rao wrote:
>> 4. The process to mark partition as dirty requires updating every fetch
>> session having the partition. This may add some overhead. An alternative
>> approach is to check the difference btw cached fetch offset and HW (or LEO)
>> when serving the fetch request.
> That's a good point.  The caching approach avoids needing to update every 
> fetch session when one of those numbers changes.  I think an even more 
> important advantage is that it's simpler to implement -- we don't have to 
> worry about forgetting to update a fetch session when one of those numbers 
> changes.  The disadvantage is some extra memory consumption per partition per 
> fetch session.
> I think the advantage, especially in terms of simplicity, might override the 
> memory concern.  My initial implementation uses the caching approach.  I will 
> update the KIP once I have this working.

We're very interested in this KIP because it might improve one of our
topic-heavy clusters. I have a stress-test generating topics across a
number of kafka brokers; if you'd like early and quick feedback on
your implementation let me know!

The discussion thread is very long, so hopefully I'm not asking
something that was asked before: does Kafka already expose
`FetchRequest` size for monitoring purposes? It might improve the KIP
to track the before-and-after behavior.


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