[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1561?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]
Guozhang Wang resolved KAFKA-1561. ---------------------------------- Resolution: Fixed > Data Loss for Incremented Replica Factor and Leader Election > ------------------------------------------------------------ > > Key: KAFKA-1561 > URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1561 > Project: Kafka > Issue Type: Bug > Reporter: Guozhang Wang > Assignee: Guozhang Wang > Fix For: > > Attachments: broker0.log, broker2.log, consumer.log, producer.log > > > This is reported on the mailing list (thanks to Jad). > {quote} > Hi, > I have a test that continuously sends messages to one broker, brings up > another broker, and adds it as a replica for all partitions, with it being > the preferred replica for some. I have auto.leader.rebalance.enable=true, > so replica election gets triggered. Data is being pumped to the old broker > all the while. It seems that some data gets lost while switching over to > the new leader. Is this a bug, or do I have something misconfigured? I also > have request.required.acks=-1 on the producer. > Here's what I think is happening: > 1. Producer writes message to broker 0, [EventServiceUpsertTopic,13], w/ > broker 0 currently leader, with ISR=(0), so write returns successfully, > even when acks = -1. Correlation id 35836 > Producer log: > [2014-07-24 14:44:26,991] [DEBUG] [dw-97 - PATCH > /v1/events/type_for_test_bringupNewBroker_shouldRebalance_shouldNotLoseData/event?_idPath=idField&_mergeFields=field1] > [kafka.producer.BrokerPartitionInfo] Partition > [EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] has leader 0 > [2014-07-24 14:44:26,993] [DEBUG] [dw-97 - PATCH > /v1/events/type_for_test_bringupNewBroker_shouldRebalance_shouldNotLoseData/event?_idPath=idField&_mergeFields=field1] > [k.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler] Producer sent messages with > correlation id 35836 for topics [EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] to broker 0 on > localhost:56821 > 2. Broker 1 is still catching up > Broker 0 Log: > [2014-07-24 14:44:26,992] [DEBUG] [kafka-request-handler-3] > [kafka.cluster.Partition] Partition [EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] on broker > 0: Old hw for partition [EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] is 971. New hw is 971. > All leo's are 975,971 > [2014-07-24 14:44:26,992] [DEBUG] [kafka-request-handler-3] > [kafka.server.KafkaApis] [KafkaApi-0] Produce to local log in 0 ms > [2014-07-24 14:44:26,992] [DEBUG] [kafka-processor-56821-0] > [kafka.request.logger] Completed request:Name: ProducerRequest; Version: > 0; CorrelationId: 35836; ClientId: ; RequiredAcks: -1; AckTimeoutMs: 10000 > ms from client / > ;totalTime:0,requestQueueTime:0,localTime:0,remoteTime:0,responseQueueTime:0,sendTime:0 > 3. Leader election is triggered by the scheduler: > Broker 0 Log: > [2014-07-24 14:44:26,991] [INFO ] [kafka-scheduler-0] > [k.c.PreferredReplicaPartitionLeaderSelector] > [PreferredReplicaPartitionLeaderSelector]: Current leader 0 for partition [ > EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] is not the preferred replica. Trigerring > preferred replica leader election > [2014-07-24 14:44:26,993] [DEBUG] [kafka-scheduler-0] > [kafka.utils.ZkUtils$] Conditional update of path > /brokers/topics/EventServiceUpsertTopic/partitions/13/state with value > {"controller_epoch":1,"leader":1,"version":1,"leader_epoch":3,"isr":[0,1]} > and expected version 3 succeeded, returning the new version: 4 > [2014-07-24 14:44:26,994] [DEBUG] [kafka-scheduler-0] > [k.controller.PartitionStateMachine] [Partition state machine on > Controller 0]: After leader election, leader cache is updated to > Map(<Snipped>(Leader:1,ISR:0,1,LeaderEpoch:3,ControllerEpoch:1),<EndSnip>) > [2014-07-24 14:44:26,994] [INFO ] [kafka-scheduler-0] > [kafka.controller.KafkaController] [Controller 0]: Partition [ > EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] completed preferred replica leader election. > New leader is 1 > 4. Broker 1 is still behind, but it sets the high water mark to 971!!! > Broker 1 Log: > [2014-07-24 14:44:26,999] [INFO ] [kafka-request-handler-6] > [kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherManager] [ReplicaFetcherManager on broker 1] > Removed fetcher for partitions [EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] > [2014-07-24 14:44:27,000] [DEBUG] [kafka-request-handler-6] > [kafka.cluster.Partition] Partition [EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] on broker > 1: Old hw for partition [EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] is 970. New hw is -1. > All leo's are -1,971 > [2014-07-24 14:44:27,098] [DEBUG] [kafka-request-handler-3] > [kafka.server.KafkaApis] [KafkaApi-1] Maybe update partition HW due to > fetch request: Name: FetchRequest; Version: 0; CorrelationId: 1; ClientId: > ReplicaFetcherThread-0-1; ReplicaId: 0; MaxWait: 500 ms; MinBytes: 1 bytes; > RequestInfo: [EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] -> > PartitionFetchInfo(971,1048576), <Snipped> > [2014-07-24 14:44:27,098] [DEBUG] [kafka-request-handler-3] > [kafka.cluster.Partition] Partition [EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] on broker > 1: Recording follower 0 position 971 for partition [ > EventServiceUpsertTopic,13]. > [2014-07-24 14:44:27,100] [DEBUG] [kafka-request-handler-3] > [kafka.cluster.Partition] Partition [EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] on broker > 1: Highwatermark for partition [EventServiceUpsertTopic,13] updated to 971 > 5. Consumer is none the wiser. All data that was in offsets 972-975 doesn't > show up! > I tried this with 2 initial replicas, and adding a 3rd which is supposed to > be the leader for some new partitions, and this problem also happens there. > The log on the old leader gets truncated to the offset on the new leader. > What's the solution? Can I make a new broker leader for partitions that are > currently active without losing data? > Thanks, > Jad. > {quote} -- This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.4.14#64029)