Tom Bentley created KAFKA-6283:

             Summary: Configuration of custom SCRAM SaslServer implementations
                 Key: KAFKA-6283
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: Tom Bentley
            Assignee: Tom Bentley
            Priority: Minor

It is difficult to supply configuration information to a custom {{SaslServer}} 
implementation when a SCRAM mechanism is used. 

{{SaslServerAuthenticator.createSaslServer()}} creates a {{SaslServer}} for a 
given mechanism. The call to {{Sasl.createSaslServer()}} passes the broker 
config and a callback handler. In the case of a SCRAM mechanism the callback 
handler is a {{ScramServerCallbackHandler}} which doesn't have access to the 
{{jaasContext}}. This makes it hard to configure a such a {{SaslServer}} 
because I can't supply custom keys to the broker config (any unknown ones get 
removed) and I don't have access to the JAAS config.

In the case of a non-SCRAM {{SaslServer}}, I at least have access to the JAAS 
config via the {{SaslServerCallbackHandler}}.

A simple way to solve this would be to pass the {{jaasContext}} to the 
{{ScramServerCallbackHandler}} from where a custom {{SaslServerFactory}} could 
retrieve it.

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