Andrey created KAFKA-6189:

             Summary: Loosing messages while getting OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE eror 
in consumer
                 Key: KAFKA-6189
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: clients
    Affects Versions:
            Reporter: Andrey
         Attachments: kafkaLossingMessages.png

Steps to reproduce:
* Setup test:
** producer sends messages constantly. If cluster not available, then it will 
** consumer polling
** topic has 3 partitions and replication factor 3. 
** min.insync.replicas=2
** producer has "acks=all"
** consumer has default "auto.offset.reset=latest"
** consumer manually commitSync offsets after handling messages.
** kafka cluster has 3 brokers
* Kill broker 0
* In consumer's logs:
2017-11-08 11:36:33,967 INFO  
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher           - Fetch offset 
10706682 is out of range for partition mytopic-2, resetting offset 
2017-11-08 11:36:33,968 INFO  
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher           - Fetch offset 
8024431 is out of range for partition mytopic-1, resetting offset 
2017-11-08 11:36:34,045 INFO  
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher           - Fetch offset 
8029505 is out of range for partition mytopic-0, resetting offset 

After that, consumer lost several messages on each partition.

* return upper bound of range
* consumer should resume from that offset instead of "auto.offset.reset".

* put "auto.offset.reset=earliest"
* get a lot of duplicate messages, instead of lost

Looks like this is what happening during the recovery from broker failure:

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