Hi Ismael,

On 25 September 2017 at 17:51, Ismael Juma <ism...@juma.me.uk> wrote:
> We don't have this policy today for what it's worth.

Thanks for the clarification. On re-reading I realise I misinterpreted
Guozhang Wang's suggestion when 1.0.0 was first mooted:

> Just to clarify, my proposal is that moving forward beyond the next release
> we will not make any public API breaking changes in any of the major or
> minor releases, but will only mark them as "deprecated", and deprecated
> public APIs will be only considered for removing as early as the next major
> release: so if we mark the scala consumer APIs as deprecated in 1.0.0, we
> should only be consider removing it at 2.0.0 or even later.

So this would mean that if a deprecation got into 1.x the feature could be
removed in 1.(x+1) at the earliest, right? I will update the KIP.

btw isn't this a point which should be included in
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5637 ?



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