I am sending this mail to DEV because i think this is a bug in AdminClient while getting the group offset.
Hi, I run through a issue. i am trying to get the status of a consumer group. for this i have consumer and producer with topic named test_7 with partition count 1. It is working fine. 1. then i stoped my services and increased the number of partition to to and then check the status it doesn’t showed me the new partitions. 2. i started my producer to populated data still the consumer group status check gives me the same response. 3. finally i started my consumer and then i am able to see the data and lag This is not giving me the correct lag. Any idea how to get that information out. Thanks Tarun tarun.garg:tgarg kafka_2.12-> bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group ReactiveConsumerTest_3 Note: This will only show information about consumers that use the Java consumer API (non-ZooKeeper-based consumers). Consumer group 'ReactiveConsumerTest_3' has no active members. TOPIC PARTITION CURRENT-OFFSET LOG-END-OFFSET LAG CONSUMER-ID HOST CLIENT-ID test_7 0 113720 114324 604 - - - tarun.garg:tgarg kafka_2.12-> bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group ReactiveConsumerTest_3 Note: This will only show information about consumers that use the Java consumer API (non-ZooKeeper-based consumers). TOPIC PARTITION CURRENT-OFFSET LOG-END-OFFSET LAG CONSUMER-ID HOST CLIENT-ID test_7 0 114700 114744 44 consumer-1-47b3f36-f897-460d-b178-d03f7f11a749 / consumer-1 test_7 1 245 256 11 consumer-1-47b3f36-f897-460d-b178-d03f7f11a749 / consumer-1 test_7 2 980 1024 44 consumer-1-47b3f36-f897-460d-b178-d03f7f11a749 / consumer-1 test_7 3 1470 1536 66 consumer-1-47b3f36-f897-460d-b178-d03f7f11a749 / consumer-1 test_7 4 245 256 11 consumer-1-47b3f36-f897-460d-b178-d03f7f11a749 / consumer-1 test_7 5 1225 1280 55 consumer-1-47b3f36-f897-460d-b178-d03f7f11a749 / consumer-1 test_7 6 490 512 22 consumer-1-47b3f36-f897-460d-b178-d03f7f11a749 / consumer-1 test_7 7 1715 1792 77 consumer-1-47b3f36-f897-460d-b178-d03f7f11a749 / consumer-1 test_7 8 1715 1792 77 consumer-1-47b3f36-f897-460d-b178-d03f7f11a749 / consumer-1 test_7 9 735 768 33 consumer-1-47b3f36-f897-460d-b178-d03f7f11a749 / consumer-1