Hi devs,
I noticed that the "exclude.internal.topics" consumer property has an effect 
only if the consumer subscribes specifying a "topic pattern" and not a topic 
name directly.

Of course if I run something like the console consumer passing "--topic 
__consumer_offsets", setting the above property does have no effect, you'll see 
messages sent to the internal __consumer_offsets topic. If you run same 
application using the "--whitelist" option then the property has its effect. We 
know that the difference is that passing --topic call a subscribe on specific 
topic name while passing --whitelist call a subscribe for a topic pattern.

Said that, the following comment on top of OffsetMessageFormatter class is 
misleading in my opinion :

"Consumer should also set exclude.internal.topics to false"

The same in the documentation about the property :

"Whether records from internal topics (such as offsets) should be exposed to 
the consumer. If set to true the only way to receive records from an internal 
topic is subscribing to it."

At least I would change in "... topic is subscribing directly to it." or 
something that explains the difference between subscribing using a topic filter 
(so the property takes an effect) or direct topic name (property does have no 

What do you think ?



Paolo Patierno
Senior Software Engineer (IoT) @ Red Hat
Microsoft MVP on Windows Embedded & IoT
Microsoft Azure Advisor

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