Thanks Paolo,

  *   in the "Public Interfaces" section you wrote
> alterTopics(Set<AlterTopics>) but then a collection is used (instead of a
> set) in the Proposed Changes section. I'm ok with collection.
Agree it should be Collection.

>   *   in the summary of the alterTopics method you say "The request can
> change the number of partitions, replication factor and/or the partition
> assignments." I think that the "and/or" is misleading (at least for me).
> For the TopicCommand tool you can specify partitions AND replication factor
> ... OR partition assignments (but not for example partitions AND
> replication factor AND partition assignments). Maybe it could be "The
> request can change the number of partitions and the related replication
> factor or specifying a partition assignments."

Is there a reason why we can't support changing all three at once? It
certainly makes conceptual sense to, say, increase the number of partitions
and replication factor, and specify how you want the partitions assigned.
And doing two separate calls would be less efficient as we sync new
replicas on brokers only to then move them somewhere else.

If there is a reason we don't want to support changing all three, then we
can return the error INVALID_REQUEST (42). That would allow us to support
changing all three at some time in the future, without having to change the

>   *   I know that it would be a breaking change in the Admin Client API
> but why having an AlteredTopic class which is quite similar to the already
> existing NewTopic class ? I know that using NewTopic for the alter method
> could be misleading. What about renaming NewTopic in something like
> AdminTopic ? At same time it means that the TopicDetails class (which you
> can get from the current NewTopic) should be outside the
> CreateTopicsRequest because it could be used in the AlterTopicsRequest as
> well.

One problem with this is it tends to inhibit future API changes for either
newTopics() or alterTopics(), because any common class needs to make sense
in both contexts.

For createTopics() we get to specify some configs (the Map<String,String>),
but since the AdminClient already has alterConfigs() for changing topic
configs after topic creation I don't think it's right to also support
changing those configs via alterTopics() as well. But having them in a
common AdminTopic class would suggest that that was supported. Yes,
alterTopics could return INVALID_REQUEST if it was given topic configs, but
this is just making the API harder to use since it is weakening of the type
safety of the API.

I suppose we *could* write a common TopicDetails class and make the
existing nested one extend the common one, with deprecations, to eventually
remove the nested one.

>   *   A typo in the ReplicaStatus : gpartition() instead of partition()
>   *   In the AlterTopicRequets
>      *   the replication factor should be INT16

Ah, thanks!

>      *   I would use same fields name as CreateTopicsRequest (they are
> quite similar)
>   *   What's the broker id in the ReplicaStatusRequest ?

It's the broker, which is expected to have a replica of the given
partition, that we're querying the status of. It is necessary because we're
asking the _leader_ for the partition about (a subset of) the status of the
followers. Put another way, to identify the replica of a particular
partition on a particular broker we need the tuple (topic, partition,

If we were always interested in the status of the partition across all
brokers we could omit the broker part. But for reassignment we actually
only care about a subset of the brokers.

>   *   Thinking aloud, could make sense having "Partition" in the
> ReplicaStatusRequest as an array so that I can specify in only one request
> the status for partitions I'm interested in, in order to avoid e request
> for each partition for the same topic. Maybe empty array could mean ..
> "give me status for all partitions of this topic". Of course it means that
> the ReplicaStatusResponse should change because we should have an array
> with partition, broker, lag and so on

You already can specify in one request the status for all the partitions
you're interested in (ReplicaStatus can be repeated/is an array field).

We could factor out the topic to avoid repeating it, which would be more
efficient when we're querying the status of many partitions of a topic
and/or there are many brokers holding replicas. In other words, we could
factor it to look like this:

ReplicaStatusRequest => [TopicReplicas]
  TopicReplicas => Topic [PartitionReplica]
    Topic => string
    PartitionReplica => Partition Broker
      Partition => int32
      Broker => int32

Does this make sense to you?

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