Hi All, My company, Dattell <https://dattell.com/>, offers expert commercial support for Kafka, and we would like to make our support known to those in the Kafka community.
Would you consider adding a Commercial Support page to the Kafka website so that users looking for help know where to find specialists? Both ActiveMQ <http://activemq.apache.org/support.html> and Camel <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CAMEL/Commercial+Camel+Offerings> have these type of Commercial Support pages on their websites, and I have heard from dozens of people that these pages are useful for finding help with installation, design, fail-and-fix, etc. If you do add a Commercial Support page, would you be willing to include Dattell <https://dattell.com/>in your list? I'm also in touch with another expert that specializes in Kafka support in the UK that could be a nice a complement, as well. I would be willing to do any leg work to make this happen. Let me know if I can help in any way. All the best, Maria -- Maria Angelella Hatfield, PhD Managing Partner Mobile: 570-704-7493 Website: dattell.com