> I just checked kafka-topics.sh and the only required argument there is
> --zookeeper option. Not sure if you were thinking of some other command.
> I meant that for kafka-topics.sh --create requires --topic (amongst
others), but --list does not.

(For example, using these methods we can say something like:
> - A.requiredIf("B") the given option 'A' requires option 'B'
> - A.requiredUnless("B") the given option 'A' needs to be present if option
> 'B' is not present)
> I wasn't able to get that to work for that command. I am sure I am missing
> something but will keep working on it.
That's a good start if you can get it working. If the fact that A is
required when B is present is only part of the documentation for A, it
doesn't help me when I scan the documentation of B. But maybe JOptSimple
would document this on B?

imho the best way to deal with this sort of situation is with multiple
usages, see for example `git branch --help` -- it's clear an concise which
options are supported/required with which 'actions'.



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