Thanks for you comments Jeyhun,

I agree about the disadvantages. Only the punctuation part is something
I don't buy. IMHO, RichFunctions should not allow to register and use
punctuation. If you need punctuation, you should use #transform() or
similar. Note, that we plan to provide `RecordContext` and not
`ProcessorContext` and thus, it's not even possible to register
One more thought: if you go with `init()` and `close()` we basically
allow users to have an in-memory state for a function. Thus, we cannot
share a single instance of RichValueMapper (etc) over multiple tasks and
we would need a supplier pattern similar to #transform(). And this would
"break the flow" of the API, as (Rich)ValueMapperSupplier would not
inherit from ValueMapper and thus we would need many new overload for
KStream/KTable classes.

The overall goal of RichFunction (from my understanding) was to provide
record metadata information (like offset, timestamp, etc) to the user.
And we still have #transform() that provided the init and close
functionality. So if we introduce those with RichFunction we are quite
close to what #transform provides, and thus it feels as if we duplicate

For this reason, it seems to be better to got with the
`#valueMapper(ValueMapper mapper, RecordContext context)` approach.



On 5/27/17 11:00 AM, Jeyhun Karimov wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your comments. I will refer the overall approach as rich
> functions until we find a better name.
> I think there are some pros and cons of the approach you described.
> Pros is that it is simple, has clear boundaries, avoids misunderstanding of
> term "function".
> So you propose sth like:
> KStream.valueMapper (ValueMapper vm, RecordContext rc)
> or
> having rich functions with only a single init(RecordContext rc) method.
> Cons is that:
>  - This will bring another set of overloads (if we use RecordContext as a
> separate parameter). We should consider that the rich functions will be for
> all main interfaces.
>  - I don't think that we need lambdas in rich functions. It is by
> definition "rich" so, no single method in interface -> as a result no
> lambdas.
>  - I disagree that rich functions should only contain init() method. This
> depends on each interface. For example, for specific interfaces  we can add
> methods (like punctuate()) to their rich functions.
> Cheers,
> Jeyhun
> On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 1:02 AM Matthias J. Sax <>
> wrote:
>> I confess, the term is borrowed from Flink :)
>> Personally, I never thought about it, but I tend to agree with Michal. I
>> also want to clarify, that the main purpose is the ability to access
>> record metadata. Thus, it might even be sufficient to only have "init".
>> An alternative would of course be, to pass in the RecordContext as
>> method parameter. This would allow us to drop "init()". This might even
>> allow to use Lambdas and we could keep the name RichFunction as we
>> preserve the nature of being a function.
>> -Matthias
>> On 5/24/17 12:13 PM, Jeyhun Karimov wrote:
>>> Hi Michal,
>>> Thanks for your comments. I see your point and I agree with it. However,
>>> I don't have a better idea for naming. I checked MR source code. There
>>> it is used JobConfigurable and Closable, two different interfaces. Maybe
>>> we can rename RichFunction as Configurable?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jeyhun
>>> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 2:58 PM Michal Borowiecki
>>> < <>>
>>> wrote:
>>>     Hi Jeyhun,
>>>     I understand your argument about "Rich" in RichFunctions. Perhaps
>>>     I'm just being too puritan here, but let me ask this anyway:
>>>     What is it that makes something a function? To me a function is
>>>     something that takes zero or more arguments and possibly returns a
>>>     value and while it may have side-effects (as opposed to "pure
>>>     functions" which can't), it doesn't have any life-cycle of its own.
>>>     This is what, in my mind, distinguishes the concept of a "function"
>>>     from that of more vaguely defined concepts.
>>>     So if we add a life-cycle to a function, in that understanding, it
>>>     doesn't become a rich function but instead stops being a function
>>>     altogether.
>>>     You could say it's "just semantics" but to me precise use of
>>>     language in the given context is an important foundation for good
>>>     engineering. And in the context of programming "function" has a
>>>     precise meaning. Of course we can say that in the context of Kafka
>>>     Streams "function" has a different, looser meaning but I'd argue
>>>     that won't do anyone any good.
>>>     On the other hand other frameworks such as Flink use this
>>>     terminology, so it could be that consistency is the reason. I'm
>>>     guessing that's why the name was proposed in the first place. My
>>>     point is simply that it's a poor choice of wording and Kafka Streams
>>>     don't have to follow that to the letter.
>>>     Cheers,
>>>     Michal
>>>     On 23/05/17 13:26, Jeyhun Karimov wrote:
>>>>     Hi Michal,
>>>>     Thanks for your comments.
>>>>         To me at least it feels strange that something is called a
>>>>         function yet doesn't follow the functional interface
>>>>         definition of having just one abstract method. I suppose init
>>>>         and close could be made default methods with empty bodies once
>>>>         Java 7 support is dropped to mitigate that concern. Still, I
>>>>         feel some resistance to consider something that requires
>>>>         initialisation and closing (which implies holding state) as
>>>>         being a function. Sounds more like the Processor/Transformer
>>>>         kind of thing semantically, rather than a function.
>>>>      -  If we called the interface name only Function your assumptions
>>>>     will hold. However, the keyword Rich by definition implies that we
>>>>     have a function (as you described, with one abstract method and
>>>>     etc) but it is rich. So, there are multiple methods in it.
>>>>     Ideally it should be:
>>>>     public interface RichFunction extends Function {          // this
>>>>     is the Function that you described
>>>>       void close();
>>>>       void init(Some params);
>>>>        ...
>>>>     }
>>>>         The KIP says there are multiple use-cases for this but doesn't
>>>>         enumerate any - I think some examples would be useful,
>>>>         otherwise that section sounds a little bit vague.
>>>>     I thought it is obvious by definition but I will update it. Thanks.
>>>>         IMHO, it's the access to the RecordContext is where the added
>>>>         value lies but maybe I'm just lacking in imagination, so I'm
>>>>         asking all this to better understand the rationale for init()
>>>>         and close().
>>>>     Maybe I should add some examples. Thanks.
>>>>     Cheers,
>>>>     Jeyhun
>>>>     On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 11:02 AM, Michal Borowiecki
>>>>     <
>>>>     <>> wrote:
>>>>         Hi Jeyhun,
>>>>         I'd like to understand better the premise of RichFunctions and
>>>>         why |init(Some params)|,| close() |are said to be needed.
>>>>         To me at least it feels strange that something is called a
>>>>         function yet doesn't follow the functional interface
>>>>         definition of having just one abstract method. I suppose init
>>>>         and close could be made default methods with empty bodies once
>>>>         Java 7 support is dropped to mitigate that concern. Still, I
>>>>         feel some resistance to consider something that requires
>>>>         initialisation and closing (which implies holding state) as
>>>>         being a function. Sounds more like the Processor/Transformer
>>>>         kind of thing semantically, rather than a function.
>>>>         The KIP says there are multiple use-cases for this but doesn't
>>>>         enumerate any - I think some examples would be useful,
>>>>         otherwise that section sounds a little bit vague.
>>>>         IMHO, it's the access to the RecordContext is where the added
>>>>         value lies but maybe I'm just lacking in imagination, so I'm
>>>>         asking all this to better understand the rationale for init()
>>>>         and close().
>>>>         Thanks,
>>>>         MichaƂ
>>>>         On 20/05/17 17:05, Jeyhun Karimov wrote:
>>>>>         Dear community,
>>>>>         As we discussed in KIP-149 [DISCUSS] thread [1], I would like
>> to initiate
>>>>>         KIP for rich functions (interfaces) [2].
>>>>>         I would like to get your comments.
>>>>>         [1]
>>>>>         [2]
>>>>>         Cheers,
>>>>>         Jeyhun
>>>>         --
>>>>         <>    Michal Borowiecki
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>>>     <>         Michal Borowiecki
>>>     Senior Software Engineer L4
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>>> --
>>> -Cheers
>>> Jeyhun
>> --
> -Cheers
> Jeyhun

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