+1 for the overall proposal.

Some comments:

Currently, `Windowed#window()` returns type `Window` and I am wondering
if we should improve type safety here and return the actual window type
(ie, TimeWindow, SessionWindow, JoinWindow) etc.

If this would be a useful improvement (frankly speaking, I am not 100%
sure if we need this), we should mark `Windowed` as @evolving, too.

I am also no 100% sure about package `state` (or did you mean "top level
package "o.a.k.streams" as you mention "StreamsMetric" in the same
paragraph) -- are we sure it's stable enough to remove the annotation?
Or should we use @evolving here, too?

With KIP-120 in the pipeline, we should also add @evolving to
KafkaStreams IMHO.


On 5/11/17 3:48 AM, Eno Thereska wrote:
> Sounds reasonable.
> Thanks,
> Eno
>> On May 11, 2017, at 7:39 AM, Ismael Juma <ism...@juma.me.uk> wrote:
>> Thanks for the proposal Guozhang. This sounds good to me.
>> Ismael
>> On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 6:02 AM, Guozhang Wang <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello folks,
>>> As we are approaching the feature freeze deadline of, one thing I
>>> realized is that currently the Streams public APIs are still marked as
>>> "Unstable", which is to indicate that the API itself does not provide
>>> guarantees about backward compatibility across releases. On the other hand,
>>> since Streams have now been widely adopted in production use cases by many
>>> organizations, we are in fact evolving its APIs in a much stricter manner
>>> than "Unstable" allows us: for all the current Streams related KIP
>>> proposals under discussions right now [1], people have been working hard to
>>> make sure none of them are going to break backward compatibility in the
>>> coming releases. So I think it would be a good timing to change the Streams
>>> API annotations.
>>> My proposal would be the following:
>>> 1. For "o.a.k.streams.errors" and "o.a.k.streams.state" packages: remove
>>> the annotations except `StreamsMetrics`.
>>> 2. For "o.a.k.streams.kstream": remove the annotations except "KStream",
>>> "KTable", "GroupedKStream", "GroupedKTable", "GlobalKTable" and
>>> "KStreamBuilder".
>>> 3. For all the other public classes, including "o.a.k.streams.processor"
>>> and the above mentioned classes, change the annotation to "Evolving", which
>>> means "we might break compatibility at minor releases (i.e. 0.12.x, 0.13.x,
>>> 1.0.x etc) only".
>>> The ultimate goal is to make sure we won't break anything going forward,
>>> hence in the future we should remove all the annotations to make that
>>> clear. The above changes in is to give us some "buffer time" in
>>> case there are some major API change proposals after the release.
>>> Would love to hear your thoughts.
>>> [1]
>>> KIP-95: Incremental Batch Processing for Kafka Streams
>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
>>> 95%3A+Incremental+Batch+Processing+for+Kafka+Streams>
>>> KIP-120: Cleanup Kafka Streams builder API
>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
>>> 120%3A+Cleanup+Kafka+Streams+builder+API>
>>> KIP-123: Allow per stream/table timestamp extractor
>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=68714788
>>> KIP 130: Expose states of active tasks to KafkaStreams public API
>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP+
>>> 130%3A+Expose+states+of+active+tasks+to+KafkaStreams+public+API>
>>> KIP-132: Augment KStream.print to allow extra parameters in the printed
>>> string
>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
>>> 132+-+Augment+KStream.print+to+allow+extra+parameters+in+
>>> the+printed+string>
>>> KIP-138: Change punctuate semantics
>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
>>> 138%3A+Change+punctuate+semantics>
>>> KIP-147: Add missing type parameters to StateStoreSupplier factories and
>>> KGroupedStream/Table methods
>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=69408481
>>> KIP-149: Enabling key access in ValueTransformer, ValueMapper, and
>>> ValueJoiner
>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
>>> 149%3A+Enabling+key+access+in+ValueTransformer%2C+ValueMapper%2C+and+
>>> ValueJoiner#KIP-149:EnablingkeyaccessinValueTransformer,ValueMapper,
>>> andValueJoiner-RejectedAlternatives>
>>> KIP-150 - Kafka-Streams Cogroup
>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
>>> 150+-+Kafka-Streams+Cogroup>
>>> KIP 155 - Add range scan for windowed state stores
>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP+
>>> 155+-+Add+range+scan+for+windowed+state+stores>
>>> KIP 156 Add option "dry run" to Streams application reset tool
>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=69410150
>>> --
>>> -- Guozhang

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