Work on KAFKA-4594 started by Damian Guy.
> Annotate integration tests and provide gradle build targets to run subsets of 
> tests
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-4594
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4594
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: unit tests
>            Reporter: Ewen Cheslack-Postava
>            Assignee: Damian Guy
>            Priority: Minor
>              Labels: newbie
> It's possible to annotate unit tests and control which ones run based on 
> these annotations. Our tests have grown to take quite a long time because 
> we've added a lot of relatively expensive integration tests. Because these 
> tests are all interleaved with the true unit tests and block things like 
> checkstyle from running, we've ended up with pretty bad turn around time on 
> feedback on simple PR issues.
> We could make this a lot nicer, and encourage users to actually run some 
> tests before submitting PRs with problems, by making it easier to get 
> lightweight feedback based only on unit tests. We'd want to annotate 
> integration tests (which can probably mostly be accomplished by annotating 
> just a few shared {{*TestHarness}} classes and then setting up the build 
> tasks and dependencies to run things in fast-fail, more user-friendly order. 
> In particular, it'd be nice to:
> a) Have gradle tasks that can run just the unit tests + checkstyle. This 
> provides devs a *much* faster way to get at least basic feedback about 
> whether there are problems with their PR. PR Jenkins builds will also give 
> much faster feedback (and avoid clogging up the Jenkins slaves with lots of 
> unnecessary work that will ultimately just fail on a unit test anyway).
> b) Have the order of tests be 1) build everything and run their unit tests, 
> 2) run checkstyle against all components, then 3) run integration tests. This 
> could help address one of the frustrating things about checkstyle tests 
> today, which are put after all tests to avoid annoying failures during 
> development, but also results in a lot of folks missing simple checkstyle 
> issues before submitting PRs.
> The two obvious options I see for this are:
> 1. In JUnit4 (which we currently use), use Categories. These seem to 
> unfortunately still be under an experimental package. We pin to a specific 
> version of JUnit, so this may not be a huge issue. But it does mean any 
> future migration would be more painful as the annotations & integration with 
> the test runner would need to change in the future.
> 2. Wait for JUnit5 with its built-in Tag support. This would be tied to 
> making JDK8 the minimum supported Java version. Given current plans that 
> would mean we couldn't do this until at least

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