Hi, I am using Kafka and kerberozied cluster. Kafka_jaas.conf file:
Client { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required useKeyTab=true keyTab="/etc/security/keytabs/kafka.service.keytab" storeKey=true useTicketCache=false serviceName="zookeeper" principal="kafka/h...@example.com"; }; If I change the keytab to user keytab (ex kafkatest) topic will be created. (Creating topic using kafka console command). It is not having any metadata information and leader assigned to it (As kafka service user is not having access. because when i check under zookeeper nodes it is having below permission for the topic node) getAcl /brokers/topicsuser-topic-test1 'world,'anyone : r 'sasl,'kafkatest : cdrwa So, if i do setAcl /brokers/topics/user-topic-test1 world:anyone:r,sasl:kafkatest:cdrwa,sasl:kafka:cdrwa and then restart kafka, the topic is having leader assigned to it. So, is it mandatory for Client Section to use kafka service keytab or add the keytab specified in the keyTab to super user to make it work? Could any one please provide information on this. Thanks