I strongly support this. I've seen many users and customers
accidentally lose data because they didn't know this configuration
exists. I always support defaulting to "Not lose data" and let the
users who prefer high availability do some extra research. This will
need to be very well documented - both the default trade-off, the
alternative and the fact that things changed.

On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 10:54 AM, Ben Stopford <b...@confluent.io> wrote:
> Hi All
> Please find the below KIP which proposes changing the setting 
> unclean.leader.election.enabled from true to false. The motivation for this 
> change is that it catches out new Kafka users who don’t realise the default 
> favours availability over data loss.
> This would mean clusters wishing to continue with unclean leader election 
> enabled would need to add the appropriate configuration on upgrade.
> Please let me know if you foresee any issue with this change, agree or don’t 
> agree.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/%5BWIP%5D+KIP-106+-+Change+Default+unclean.leader.election.enabled+from+True+to+False
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/[WIP]+KIP-106+-+Change+Default+unclean.leader.election.enabled+from+True+to+False>
> Thanks
> B
> Ben Stopford
> Confluent, http://www.confluent.io <http://www.confluent.io/>

Gwen Shapira
Product Manager | Confluent
650.450.2760 | @gwenshap
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