Hi all,

I have another iteration at a proposal for this feature here:

I'd welcome your feedback and comments.



On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 7:21 PM Ewen Cheslack-Postava <e...@confluent.io>

On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 11:58 PM, Shikhar Bhushan <shik...@confluent.io>

> >
> >
> > Hmm, operating on ConnectRecords probably doesn't work since you need to
> > emit the right type of record, which might mean instantiating a new one.
> I
> > think that means we either need 2 methods, one for SourceRecord, one for
> > SinkRecord, or we'd need to limit what parts of the message you can
> modify
> > (e.g. you can change the key/value via something like
> > transformKey(ConnectRecord) and transformValue(ConnectRecord), but other
> > fields would remain the same and the fmwk would handle allocating new
> > Source/SinkRecords if needed)
> >
> Good point, perhaps we could add an abstract method on ConnectRecord that
> takes all the shared fields as parameters and the implementations return a
> copy of the narrower SourceRecord/SinkRecord type as appropriate.
> Transformers would only operate on ConnectRecord rather than caring about
> SourceRecord or SinkRecord (in theory they could instanceof/cast, but the
> API should discourage it)
> > Is there a use case for hanging on to the original? I can't think of a
> > transformation where you'd need to do that (or couldn't just order
> > differently so it isn't a problem).
> Yeah maybe this isn't really necessary. No strong preference here.
> That said, I do worry a bit that farming too much stuff out to
> > can result in "programming via config", i.e. a lot of the simplicity you
> > get from Connect disappears in long config files. Standardization would
> be
> > nice and might just avoid this (and doesn't cost that much implementing
> it
> > in each connector), and I'd personally prefer something a bit less
> flexible
> > but consistent and easy to configure.
> Not sure what the you're suggesting :-) Standardized config properties for
> a small set of transformations, leaving it upto connectors to integrate?

I just mean that you get to the point where you're practically writing a
Kafka Streams application, you're just doing it through either an
incredibly convoluted set of transformers and configs, or a single
transformer with incredibly convoluted set of configs. You basically get to
the point where you're config is a mini DSL and you're not really saving
that much.

The real question is how much we want to venture into the "T" part of ETL.
I tend to favor minimizing how much we take on since the rest of Connect
isn't designed for it, it's designed around the E & L parts.


> Personally I'm skeptical of that level of flexibility in transformers --
> > its getting awfully complex and certainly takes us pretty far from
> "config
> > only" realtime data integration. It's not clear to me what the use cases
> > are that aren't covered by a small set of common transformations that
> > be chained together (e.g. rename/remove fields, mask values, and maybe a
> > couple more).
> >
> I agree that we should have some standard transformations that we ship
> connect that users would ideally lean towards for routine tasks. The ones
> you mention are some good candidates where I'd imagine can expose simple
> config, e.g.
>    transform.filter.whitelist=x,y,z # filter to a whitelist of fields
>    transfom.rename.spec=oldName1=>newName1, oldName2=>newName2
>    topic.rename.replace=-/_
>    topic.rename.prefix=kafka_
> etc..
> However the ecosystem will invariably have more complex transformers if we
> make this pluggable. And because ETL is messy, that's probably a good
> if folks are able to do their data munging orthogonally to connectors, so
> that connectors can focus on the logic of how data should be copied
> datastores and Kafka.
> > In any case, we'd probably also have to change configs of connectors if
> we
> > allowed configs like that since presumably transformer configs will just
> be
> > part of the connector config.
> >
> Yeah, haven't thought much about how all the configuration would tie
> together...
> I think we'd need the ability to:
> - spec transformer chain (fully-qualified class names? perhaps special
> aliases for built-in ones? perhaps third-party fqcns can be assigned
> aliases by users in the chain spec, for easier configuration and to
> uniquely identify a transformation when it occurs more than one time in a
> chain?)
> - configure each transformer -- all properties prefixed with that
> transformer's ID (fqcn / alias) get destined to it
> Additionally, I think we would probably want to allow for topic-specific
> overrides <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-3962> (e.g. you
> want
> certain transformations for one topic, but different ones for another...)


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