
This is an http access to core Kafka. This is very much needed as part of 
Apache Kafka under ASF governance model.  This would be great for the community 
instead of duplicated and splintered efforts that may spring up.

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From: Harsha Chintalapani <ka...@harsha.io<mailto:ka...@harsha.io>>
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 2:20 PM
Subject: [VOTE] Add REST Server to Apache Kafka
To: <dev@kafka.apache.org<mailto:dev@kafka.apache.org>>, 

Hi All,
           We are proposing to have a REST Server as part of  Apache Kafka
to provide producer/consumer/admin APIs. We Strongly believe having
REST server functionality with Apache Kafka will help a lot of users.
Here is the KIP that Mani Kumar wrote
There is a discussion thread in dev list that had differing opinions on
whether to include REST server in Apache Kafka or not. You can read more
about that in this thread

          This is a VOTE thread to check interest in the community for
adding REST Server implementation in Apache Kafka.


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