This is to start off a discussion on the above KIP at proposal is to fill the void of a command line tool/utility that can provide information on the brokers in a Kafka cluster. The code is available on GitHub at KIP page has the help documentation as well as the output from the command with various options.Thank you,Jayesh Thakrar
- [DISCUSS] KIP-59 - Proposal for a kafka broker command - ka... Jayesh Thakrar
- Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-59 - Proposal for a kafka broker com... Jayesh Thakrar
- Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-59 - Proposal for a kafka broker... Gwen Shapira
- Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-59 - Proposal for a kafka br... Grant Henke
- Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-59 - Proposal for a kafk... Jayesh Thakrar
- Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-59 - Proposal for a... Gwen Shapira