Plus one.  This is a good direction to move towards.

The frequency of releases would probably depend on how long it takes
to certify the release.

> On Aug 13, 2016, at 10:18 AM, Jay Kreps <> wrote:
> I'm +1.
> I've seen this both ways and I really do think that time-based releases
> tend to scale better with more developers doing parallel work (I think the
> probability of at least one feature slipping as you have more and more
> developers gets very high, and if that means the release slips then the
> release will frequently slip quite a lot). I think between the clients, the
> server, streams, connect, etc there is enough parallelism that this will be
> important.
> I think this also gives a lot more predictability to people who contribute
> code or want to use a feature they see on trunk as to when it will be
> available in a release (to date our answer has been "eventually", which is
> a bit unsatisfying).
> -Jay
>> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 4:49 PM, Gwen Shapira <> wrote:
>> Dear Kafka Developers and Users,
>> In the past, our releases have been quite unpredictable. We'll notice
>> that a large number of nice features made it in (or are close),
>> someone would suggest a release and we'd do it. This is fun, but makes
>> planning really hard - we saw it during the last release which we
>> decided to delay by a few weeks to allow more features to "land".
>> Many other communities have adopted time-based releases successfully
>> (Cassandra, GCC, LLVM, Fedora, Gnome, Ubuntu, etc.). And I thought it
>> will make sense for the Apache Kafka community to try doing the same.
>> The benefits of this approach are:
>> 1. A quicker feedback cycle and users can benefit from features
>> quicker (assuming for reasonably short time between releases - I was
>> thinking 4 months)
>> 2. Predictability for contributors and users:
>> * Developers and reviewers can decide in advance what release they are
>> aiming for with specific features.
>> * If a feature misses a release we have a good idea of when it will show
>> up.
>> * Users know when to expect their features
>> 3. Transparency - There will be a published cut-off date (AKA feature
>> freeze) for the release and people will know about it in advance.
>> Hopefully this will remove the contention around which features make
>> it.
>> 4. Quality - we've seen issues pop up in release candidates due to
>> last-minute features that didn't have proper time to bake in. More
>> time between feature freeze and release will let us test more,
>> document more and resolve more issues.
>> Since nothing is ever perfect, there will be some downsides:
>> 1. Most notably, features that miss the feature-freeze date for a
>> release will have to wait few month for the next release. Features
>> will reach users faster overall as per benefit #1, but individual
>> features that just miss the cut will lose out
>> 2. More releases a year mean that being a committer is more work -
>> release management is still some headache and we'll have more of
>> those. Hopefully we'll get better at it. Also, the committer list is
>> growing and hopefully it will be less than once-a-year effort for each
>> committer.
>> 3. For users, figuring out which release to use and having frequent
>> new releases to upgrade to may be a bit confusing.
>> 4. Frequent releases mean we need to do bugfix releases for older
>> branches. Right now we only do bugfix releases to latest release.
>> I think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Or at least suggest that
>> its worth trying - we can have another discussion in few releases to
>> see if we want to keep it that way or try something else.
>> My suggestion for the process:
>> 1. We decide on a reasonable release cadence
>> 2. We decide on release dates (even rough estimate such as "end of
>> February" or something) and work back feature freeze dates.
>> 3. Committers volunteer to be "release managers" for specific
>> releases. We can coordinate on the list or on a wiki. If no committer
>> volunteers, we assume the community doesn't need a release and skip
>> it.
>> 4. At the "feature freeze" date, the release manager announces the
>> contents of the release (which KIPs made it in on time), creates the
>> release branch and starts the release process as usual. From this
>> point onwards, only bug fixes should be double-committed to the
>> release branch while trunk can start collecting features for the
>> subsequent release.
>> Comments and improvements are appreciated.
>> Gwen Shapira
>> Former-release-manager

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