
> I then specify a Serde<GenericRecord> (new GenericAvroSerde) as value
> deserializer when outputting to topic via method.
I suppose that was a typo, and you actually meant "as a value
*serializer*", right?

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 11:55 PM, Philippe Derome <> wrote:

> This is possibly more of a Confluent question as GenericAvroSerde is in
> Confluent example code base.
> I have a small Stream application, which creates a KTable with String key
> and GenericRecord value.
> I then specify a Serde<GenericRecord> (new GenericAvroSerde) as value
> deserializer when outputting to topic via method.
> I get a NPE on deserializing with this.schemaRegistry being null within
> AbstractKafkaAvroSerializer#serializeImpl.
> Could it be simply that GenericRecords are more of an intermediate class
> and are not meant to be serialised?
> I'd like to stream the values on topic as GenericRecord. I thought it
> should work. Alternatively, guidance on using SpecificAvroSerde would be
> very helpful.

Best regards,
Michael Noll

*Michael G. Noll | Product Manager | Confluent | +1 650.453.5860Download
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