Hi Matthias,

Thank you for your answer. In my use-case, depending on statistics of every
operator, some tuples can be escaped for specific operators, so that we can
get approximate but faster result. I think this is somehow similar to
 TelegraphCQ in dynamism of operators.
In my case, the goal is getting rid of transmission and processing overhead
of some tuples for some operators (in runtime) to get approximate results.
However, it iseems the possible solution can bring extra overhead to system
in some cases.


On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 7:36 PM Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io>

> Hi Jeyhun,
> there is no support by the library itself. But you could build a custom
> solution by building the DAG with all required edges (ie, additional
> edges from A->E, and B->sink etc.). For this, each output message from A
> would be duplicate and send to B and E. Therefore, A should "tag" each
> message with the designated receiver (B or E) and you add additional
> filter step in both edges (ie, a filter between A->F1->B and A->F2->E),
> that drop messages if the "tag" does not match the downstream operator.
> Does this makes sense? Of course, depending on your use case, you might
> get a huge number of edges (plus filters) and your DAG might be quite
> complex. Don't see any other solution though.
> Hope this helps.
> One question though: how would changing the DAG at runtime would help
> you? Do you mean you would dynamically change the edge between A->B and
> A->sink ? I guess, this would be a very special pattern and I doubt that
> any library or system can offer this.
> -Matthias
> On 06/18/2016 05:33 PM, Jeyhun Karimov wrote:
> > Hi community,
> >
> > Is there a way in Kafka Streams to change the order of operators in
> > runtime? For example, I have operators
> >
> > Source->A->B->C->D->E->Sink
> >
> > and I want to forward some tuples from A to E, from B to Sink and etc. As
> > far as I know, the stream execution graph is computed in compile time and
> > does not change in runtime. Can there be an indirect solution for this
> > specific case?
> >
> > Jeyhun
> >
> --


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