
Edoardo Comar commented on KAFKA-3587:

[~junrao] I was thinking of two possible optimistic approaches (if you allow me 
to call 'pessimistic' the current one :-).

1 - try scanning all dirty segments without the pessimistic check; use the 
(only) map until full; 
this may allow to process all dirty segment (optimism) or may happen in the 
middle of a dirt segment. 
In either case, do compaction using the map loaded that way.
When compaction takes place, if the map became full in the mid of a segment, 
compaction may replace some values in the compacted segments with values that 
actually come from the last partially examined segment - but this should not 
affect correctness of consumer for the topic as the topic actually has such 
values for a given key and they are newer than the values contained in the 
compacted segments.


2 - try scanning all dirty segments without the pessimistic check, but, if the 
map gets full, save as state the last segment that was fully loaded without 
filling the map, and restart compaction for that log, this time stopping at the 
segment that we now know will fit.
So in the unlucky case that compaction has not enough memory for processing all 
segments - this incurs a perf penalty.
But such a case is rendered less likely to happen than now for a given amount 
of memory, because of the optimistic use of the map.
If a single segment has too many different keys for the map - then that segment 
is not compactable - as happens now.

> LogCleaner fails due to incorrect offset map computation on a replica
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-3587
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-3587
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions:
>         Environment: Linux
>            Reporter: Kiran Pillarisetty
>            Assignee: Edoardo Comar
>         Attachments: 0001-POC-improving-deduping-segments.patch
> Log Cleaner fails to compact a segment even when the number of messages in it 
> is less than the offset map.
> In version, (LogCleaner.scala -> buildOffsetMap()), LogCleaner 
> computes segment size by subtracting segment's base offset from the latest 
> offset ("segmentSize = segment.nextOffset() - segment.baseOffset").  This 
> works fine until you create another replica. When you create a replica, it's 
> segment could contain data which is already compacted on other brokers. 
> Depending up on the type of data, offset difference could be too big, larger 
> than the offset map (maxDesiredMapSize), and that causes LogCleaner to fail 
> on that segment.
> Scenario:
> - Kafka
> - Cluster has two brokers.
> - Server.properties:
> log.cleaner.enable=true
> log.cleaner.dedupe.buffer.size=10485760 #10MB
> log.roll.ms=300000
> delete.topic.enable=true
> log.cleanup.policy=compact
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Create a topic with replication-factor of 1.
> ./kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper=localhost:2181 --create --topic 
> test.log.compact.1M --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --config 
> cleanup.policy=compact --config segment.ms=300000
> 2. Use kafka-console-producer.sh to produce a single message with the 
> following key:
> LC1,{"test": "xyz"}
> 3. Use  kafka-console-producer.sh to produce a large number of messages with 
> the following key:
> LC2,{"test": "abc"}
> 4. Let log cleaner run. Make sure log is compacted.  Verify with:
>  ./kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments  --files 
> 00000000000000000000.log  --print-data-log
> Dumping 00000000000000000000.log
> Starting offset: 0
> offset: 0 position: 0 isvalid: true payloadsize: 11 magic: 0 compresscodec: 
> NoCompressionCodec crc: 3067045277 keysize: 11 key: LC1 payload: {"test": 
> "xyz"}
> offset: 7869818 position: 48 isvalid: true payloadsize: 11 magic: 0 
> compresscodec: NoCompressionCodec crc: 2668089711 keysize: 11 key: LC2 
> payload: {"test": "abc"}
> 5.  Increase Replication Factor to 2.  Followed these steps: 
> http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#basic_ops_increase_replication_factor
> 6. Notice that log cleaner fails to compact the newly created replica with 
> the following error.
> [2016-04-18 14:49:45,599] ERROR [kafka-log-cleaner-thread-0], Error due to  
> (kafka.log.LogCleaner)
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: 7206179 messages in 
> segment test.log.compact.1M-0/00000000000000000000.log but offset map can fit 
> only 393215. You can increase log.cleaner.dedupe.buffer.size or decrease 
> log.cleaner.threads
>         at scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:219)
>         at 
> kafka.log.Cleaner$$anonfun$buildOffsetMap$4.apply(LogCleaner.scala:584)
>         at 
> kafka.log.Cleaner$$anonfun$buildOffsetMap$4.apply(LogCleaner.scala:580)
>         at 
> scala.collection.immutable.Stream$StreamWithFilter.foreach(Stream.scala:570)
>         at kafka.log.Cleaner.buildOffsetMap(LogCleaner.scala:580)
>         at kafka.log.Cleaner.clean(LogCleaner.scala:322)
>         at 
> kafka.log.LogCleaner$CleanerThread.cleanOrSleep(LogCleaner.scala:230)
>         at kafka.log.LogCleaner$CleanerThread.doWork(LogCleaner.scala:208)
>         at kafka.utils.ShutdownableThread.run(ShutdownableThread.scala:63)
> [2016-04-18 14:49:45,601] INFO [kafka-log-cleaner-thread-0], Stopped  
> (kafka.log.LogCleaner)
> 7. Examine the entries in the replica segment:
> ./kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments --files 
> 00000000000000000000.log  --print-data-log
> There are only 218418 messages in that segment.
> However, Log Cleaner seems to think that there are 7206179 messages in that 
> segment (as per the above error)
> Error stems from this line in LogCleaner.scala:
> """val segmentSize = segment.nextOffset() - segment.baseOffset"""
> In Replica's log segment file ( 00000000000000000000.log), ending offset is 
> 7206178. Beginning offset is 0.  That makes Log Cleaner think that there are 
> 7206179 messages in that segment although there are only 218418 messages in 
> it.
> IMO,  to address this kind of scenario, LogCleaner.scala should check for the 
> number of messages in the segment, instead of subtracting beginning offset 
> from the ending offset.

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