
Jun Rao edited comment on KAFKA-3042 at 4/18/16 8:53 PM:

[~fpj], yes, I was confused by that initially too. The following is my finding 
after I dug a bit deeper. When a controller receives a broker change event, it 
will also log the live brokers after processing the event. So, in the 
controller log of broker 5, you will see the following matching entries.

[2016-04-09 00:41:35,442] INFO [BrokerChangeListener on Controller 5]: Broker 
change listener fired for path /brokers/ids with children 1,4,5 
[2016-04-09 00:41:36,235] INFO [BrokerChangeListener on Controller 5]: Newly 
added brokers: , deleted brokers: 3, all live brokers: 1,4,5 

However, after 

[2016-04-09 00:37:54,079] INFO [BrokerChangeListener on Controller 5]: Broker 
change listener fired for path /brokers/ids with children 1,2,3,5 

you don't see the corresponding entry on "Newly added broker" afterward. The 
reason is that at 00:37:54, broker 5 has resigned as the controller and 
therefore ignored the broker change listener event. 

[2016-04-09 00:37:54,064] INFO [Controller 5]: Broker 5 resigned as the 
controller (kafka.controller.KafkaController)

Broker 5 became the controller again a bit later.

[2016-04-09 00:40:54,990] INFO [Controller 5]: Controller 5 incremented epoch 
to 416 (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2016-04-09 00:40:57,877] INFO [Controller 5]: Currently active brokers in the 
cluster: Set(1, 3, 4, 5) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)

As you can see, it initialized with 4 live brokers, including broker 4. It then 
sent the following LeaderAndIsrRequest to broker 1 after initialization.
[2016-04-09 00:40:58,089] TRACE Controller 5 epoch 416 sending become-follower 
LeaderAndIsr request (Leader:4,ISR:4,LeaderEpoch:364,ControllerEpoch:415) to 
broker 1 for partition [tec1.en2.frontend.syncPing,7] (state.change.logger)

The above LeaderAndIsrRequest likely includes broker 4 in the live broker list 
since there is no other indication that the live broker list has changed since 
the initialization. However, if broker 4 is not in the metadata cache of broker 
1 (which seems to be the case), it can still lead to the following error.

[2016-04-09 00:40:58,144] ERROR Broker 1 received LeaderAndIsrRequest with 
correlation id 0 from controller 5 epoch 415 for partition 
[tec1.en2.frontend.syncPing,7] but cannot become follower since the new leader 
4 is unavailable. (state.change.logger)

was (Author: junrao):
[~fpj], yes, I was confused by that initially too. The following is my finding 
after I dug a bit deeper. When a controller receives a broker change event, it 
will also log the live brokers after processing the event. So, in the 
controller log of broker 5, you will see the following matching entries.

[2016-04-09 00:41:35,442] INFO [BrokerChangeListener on Controller 5]: Broker 
change listener fired for path /brokers/ids with children 1,4,5 
[2016-04-09 00:41:36,235] INFO [BrokerChangeListener on Controller 5]: Newly 
added brokers: , deleted brokers: 3, all live brokers: 1,4,5 

However, after 

[2016-04-09 00:37:54,079] INFO [BrokerChangeListener on Controller 5]: Broker 
change listener fired for path /brokers/ids with children 1,2,3,5 

you don't see the corresponding entry on "Newly added broker" afterward. The 
reason is that at 00:37:54, broker 5 has resigned as the controller and 
therefore ignored the broker change listener event. 

[2016-04-09 00:37:54,064] INFO [Controller 5]: Broker 5 resigned as the 
controller (kafka.controller.KafkaController)

Broker 5 became the controller again a bit later.

[2016-04-09 00:40:54,990] INFO [Controller 5]: Controller 5 incremented epoch 
to 416 (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2016-04-09 00:40:57,877] INFO [Controller 5]: Currently active brokers in the 
cluster: Set(1, 3, 4, 5) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)

As you can see, it initialized with 4 live brokers, including broker 4. It then 
sent the following LeaderAndIsrRequest to broker 1 after initialization.
[2016-04-09 00:40:58,089] TRACE Controller 5 epoch 416 sending become-follower 
LeaderAndIsr request (Leader:4,ISR:4,LeaderEpoch:364,ControllerEpoch:415) to 
broker 1 for partition [tec1.en2.frontend.syncPing,7] (state.change.logger)

The above LeaderAndIsrRequest likely includes broker 4 in the live broker list 
since there is no other indication that the live broker list has changed since 
the initialization. However, if broker 4 is not the metadata cache of broker 1 
(which seems to be the case), it can still lead to the following error.

[2016-04-09 00:40:58,144] ERROR Broker 1 received LeaderAndIsrRequest with 
correlation id 0 from controller 5 epoch 415 for partition 
[tec1.en2.frontend.syncPing,7] but cannot become follower since the new leader 
4 is unavailable. (state.change.logger)

> updateIsr should stop after failed several times due to zkVersion issue
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-3042
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-3042
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions:
>         Environment: jdk 1.7
> centos 6.4
>            Reporter: Jiahongchao
>             Fix For:
>         Attachments: controller.log, server.log.2016-03-23-01, 
> state-change.log
> sometimes one broker may repeatly log
> "Cached zkVersion 54 not equal to that in zookeeper, skip updating ISR"
> I think this is because the broker consider itself as the leader in fact it's 
> a follower.
> So after several failed tries, it need to find out who is the leader

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