On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 1:32 AM, Ismael Juma <ism...@juma.me.uk> wrote:

> Two more things:
> 3. We talk about backporting of new request versions to stable branches in
> the KIP. In practice, we can't do that until the Java client is changed so
> that it doesn't blindly use the latest protocol version. Otherwise, if new
> request versions were added to, the client would break when talking
> to a broker (given Jason's proposal, it would fail a bit more
> gracefully, but that's still not good enough for a stable branch). It may
> be worth making this clear in the KIP (yes, it is a bit orthogonal and
> doesn't prevent the KIP from being adopted, but good to avoid confusion).
Good point. Adding this note and also adding a note that Kafka has not
backported an api version so far.

> 4. The paragraph below is a bit confusing. It starts talking about 0.9.0
> and trunk and then switches to 0.9.1. Is that intentional?

> "Deprecation of a protocol version will be done by marking a protocol
> version as deprecated in protocol documentation. Documentation shall also
> be used to indicate a protocol version that must not be used, or for any
> such information.For instance, say 0.9.0 had protocol versions [0] for api
> key 1. On trunk, version 1 of the api key was added. Users running off
> trunk started using version 1 of the api and found out a major bug. To
> rectify that version 2 of the api is added to trunk. For some reason, it is
> now deemed important to have version 2 of the api in 0.9.1 as well. To do
> so, version 1 and version 2 both of the api will be backported to the 0.9.1
> branch. 0.9.1 broker will return 0 as min supported version for the api and
> 2 for the max supported version for the api. However, the version 1 should
> be clearly marked as deprecated on its documentation. It will be client's
> responsibility to make sure they are not using any such deprecated version
> to the best knowledge of the client at the time of development (or
> alternatively by configuration)."
> Ismael
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 9:22 AM, Ismael Juma <ism...@juma.me.uk> wrote:
> > A couple of questions:
> >
> > 1. The KIP says "Specific version may be deprecated through protocol
> > documentation but must still be supported (although it is fair to return
> an
> > error code if the specific API supports it).". It may be worth expanding
> > this a little more. For example, what does it mean to support the API? I
> > guess this means that the broker must not disconnect the client and the
> > broker must return a valid protocol response. Given that it says that it
> is
> > "fair" (I would probably replace "fair" with "valid") to return an error
> > code if the specific API supports it, it sounds like we are saying that
> we
> > don't have to maintain the semantic behaviour (i.e. we could _always_
> > return an error for a deprecated API?). Is this true?
> >
> > 2. ApiVersionQueryRequest seems a bit verbose, why not ApiVersionRequest?
> >
> > Ismael
> >



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