I would like to start the voting process for the "KIP-4 Metadata Schema
changes". This is not a vote for all of KIP-4, but specifically for the
metadata changes. I have included the exact changes below for clarity:

> Metadata Request (version 1)
> MetadataRequest => [topics]
> Stays the same as version 0 however behavior changes.
> In version 0 there was no way to request no topics, and and empty list
> signified all topics.
> In version 1 a null topics list (size -1 on the wire) will indicate that a
> user wants *ALL* topic metadata. Compared to an empty list (size 0) which
> indicates metadata for *NO* topics should be returned.
> Metadata Response (version 1)
> MetadataResponse => [brokers] controller_id [internal_topics] 
> [topics_marked_for_deletion] [topic_metadata]
>   brokers => node_id host port rack
>     node_id => INT32
>     host => STRING
>     port => INT32
>     rack => NULLABLE_STRING
>   controller_id => INT32
>   internal_topics => STRING
>   topics_marked_for_deletion => STRING
>   topic_metadata => topic_error_code topic [partition_metadata]
>     topic_error_code => INT16
>     topic => STRING
>     partition_metadata => partition_error_code partition_id leader [replicas] 
> [isr]
>       partition_error_code => INT16
>       partition_id => INT32
>       leader => INT32
> Adds rack, controller_id, internal_topics and topics_marked_for_deletion
> to the version 0 response.

The KIP is available here for reference (linked to the Metadata schema

A pull request is available implementing the proposed changes here:

Here are some links to past discussions on the mailing list:

Thank you,
Grant Henke
Software Engineer | Cloudera
gr...@cloudera.com | twitter.com/gchenke | linkedin.com/in/granthenke

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