Hi All, This really looks like a bug to me. I'm running Kafka 2.11- Running 2 brokers, 3 consumers. On a day to day basis, everything is working smoothly. All of a sudden, out of nowhere one of the brokers hangs and the producers lack to send messages to it, since it is the leader of some partitions without replication to other brokers (replication-factor = 1) , the strange thing is that it may happen not under heavy load. In ZooKeeper I see only the working node registered under /broker/ids, the hanged one is not there. Restart of the node fixes everything.
Logs of the stuck node can be found at: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25559686/broker.rar The time it was stuck is from around 08:41 , until the broker was restarted at 09:12. Any help is highly appreciated. Best Regards, Jordan.